
Portsmouth, RI(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! Just joined today. What a great website! Looking at some of the posts, I'm jealous. My husband & I bought a house two years ago that is on a small plot of land 50' x 100'. We live on Long Island in New York. Since we bought the house I've been visiting all the local gardening centers for bargains and ordering a bunch of stuff online from a lot of garden supply companies. And doing a lot of research. When we moved here I was lucky, there was only two azalea bushes in the front yard. So I was able to start my garden from scratch. This winter with all the snow and below freezing temps we've had I'm beginning to think I'll never see spring again. I'm sure everyone else is starting to get as antsy as I am to get out and doing some gardening. From the posts I've been reading everyone seems so helpful and caring.

Hi, Tiki! How great to be able to plan your garden from scratch, planting it just the way you want it. You're in the right place! This is a wonderful site and it's true, people here really are helpful and caring. Welcome!

St. Louis, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Tiki, welcome to DG. We are a warm family working together to make the world a more beautiful place a flower at a time. There are a number of us here from NY. Check out the Round-Up forum and read about the planned Round-up at Cooperstown, NY this June where we can meet in person and swap and chat and eat, and chat, and eat and chat and swap. :-)

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Tiki. I'm new as well. From what I read Long Island has lots of deer which make gardening a challenge. We seem to have more every year here in Rochester.
Starting a new garden is so much fun. I've been in my little house about 10 years. The first few years I simply could not pass a garden center without stopping. I still have a difficut time. More grass gets dug up every year.
Now my interests have turned to butterflies and birds so I focus on plants for them. Spring is coming. I noticed the goldfinches are starting to get some color and lose their winter drabness. The Cardinals are starting to not tolerate each other. In the winter they stay together but when nesting time comes they get territorial. This is a sure sign of Spring. Best of Luck.

Dover, NH(Zone 5a)

Hi Tiki and Trillium_Girl! Welcome to DG!

Portsmouth, RI(Zone 7a)

I've recently been gardening with birds & butterflies in mind. We just purchased a couple of bird feeders (half price sale) at my local nursery. We don't get any deer in my area. The area is too developed and a lot of traffic. There are deer out east in Suffolk county. Sometimes my husband & I will take a ride out east and drive near the beach area where most of the deer are. There are signs all over the area warning not to feed them because the area is so populated and they can easily be hit by cars.
My biggest challenge where I live is water. I don't live on the water, but close enough that my gardens from time to time get over watered. Especially now with all the snow and rain we've been hit with this winter.
I stopped in the chat room briefly last night and heard about Cooperstown in June. Thanks for the info, I will keep it in mind and see if we can make it.
Thank you all for such a warm welcome!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

welcome to DG!!! can't wait to see how your garden progresses this year.

Crossville, TN

Welcome Tiki, it was nice to chat with you last night! You are going to love this Garden! Jo

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Welcome from Alaska, Tiki

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Welcome from roseland, Tiki....enjoy.....Elaine

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Tiki, great to have you here! I am also new.

Nice to have an almost blank canvas to work with. I am sure you will not be able to keep away from those garden centers. LOL!

MERCER, PA(Zone 5a)

Welcome Tiki, Trillium_Girl and Jul ! We'll always leave a light on for you. Welcome home!!
Ron and Gloria

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