Kind of confused.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

O.k.,I hate bringing up the "competition",but I posted a request on the G.W. tropical exchange for plants for postage.This morning I see a letter from Spike telling me trades may not be arranged between Europe and the U.S. through the G.W. at this time.Did I miss something? Is there some scary disease in the U.S. that I may not want to bring back to Switzerland? It did say for postage,and not for exchange,so why the "friendly reminder"?
Sorry,had to vent so early in the morning!!!!

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Hi Gwist,

As you only registered in May, you wont have been party to the various comments on this site about dear old Spike at GW.

Since Foot & Mouth appeared in UK (and only rarely in any other part of Europe), Spike has issued a blanket warning effectively banning trades with anywhere in Europe; even seeds, despite the admission of the US import authorities that they do not carry any risk of disease. Most GW'ers that I have traded with take a responsible attitude (like not accepting or sending anything with soil on it) and in the main seem to be ignoring Spikes paranoid approach.

Try challenging him with the arguement that Switzerland has not had a cae of F&M, so why the embargo. Worst it could cost you is a trip to Disney !!


El Tel

This message was edited Wednesday, May 23rd 6:31 AM

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning Gwist - Nice to see you again even though you are venting - you're allowed to!! Why don't you try doing an exchange on DG through the Internation trading - I guarantee the approach will be much different.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi El Tel,
I did write him,before I posted this,actually and told him I hadn't been reading the news lately so I didn't know that the U.S. had F&M disease!!I also informed him that I didn't want to bring it here to F&M free Switzerland!He took my posting away!!!GRRRR!Anyway,he wrote this back:


We just have to err on the side opf caution. ;-)

Take care,

Spike Hernandez, Webmaster

Funny thing though,a post from Finland is still there.

Hey Louisa,I will try it,but I was looking for Plumerias,Ylang-ylang and Cardamon...never could find these anywhere in Europe!I am pretty sure the approach will be MUCH nicer.
Next time I should have coffee before posting anything :)!

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Hi Gwist,

I have a couple of Plumeria seeds left - let me know if you are interested. Any trades to offer ??


El Tel

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

WOW!!!well,yes lots of little bits of seeds,plants,whatever lying around!Any wishes? I may have it!If not,we can work something out!Oh,thanks El Tel!

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Sorry El Tel,maybe I should give you my e-mail addy!!

Some people are paranoid about F.&M., which has actually been around world-wide for aeons, like the rest of us. I think you really only have to worry if you have a cloven hoof! Then you're vulnerable to the Big Cull!

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)


check out the catalogue of chiltern seeds,i know they have a web site,i cant remember the addy,just put in chilternseeds in your browser
is this where you got your frangipani from?

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

No - I got it from a gentleman in Hawaii, courtesey of a certain garden website that I must not mention !!

You are right about Chiltern seeds, they do have some good stuff. My only problem with them was (a couple of years ago) when I raised a question with them; I wasnt even looking for a refund. It took several letters both e and snail mail before I got a sensible response. Maybe their customer care function is better run now.

El Tel

i have only ordered from them once so far - i dont do seeds LOL my success rate is too low - they only supplied me with about 2/3 of what i ordered,but maybe i ordered late in the season i cant remember
i like looking at them,loads of exotic stuff,and plenty of info too

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