Looking for green type tomato

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Last year, here in Winston-Salem, NC, a green type tomato was chosen as best tasting. I can't remember the exact name or where to find seed. Can anyone help?

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

If you're referring to the green when ripe types there are a large number of different varieties.

If you've not grown them before I like to suggest that you start by growing Green Grape, which is a cherry tomato. Thus you have lots of chances to understand what color they should be when ripe, which is an amber tint and some like Aunt Ruby's, have a reddish blush at the blossom end. If you grow something like Aunt Rubys' German Green, which is a large beefsteak type, if you pick it too early, there goes a biggie. LOL

Some of the green when ripe types I like are:

Green Grape ( should be indet but many places list it as det becasue they have the wrong strainreceived from a wholesaler)
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Green ( also known as Dororthy's Green)

That's enough for starters. There are some newer shapes such as a sausage long green, but I'd stick with the above for starters.

Seeds for these are widely available at specialty tomato places and Tomato Growers Supply, for one, carries all of them.

Just go to tomatogrowers.com on the net and have a look see.
Or request their catalog if you prefer a hard copy.

Almost all the green when ripe types have a wonderful spicy sweetness that I love. I do not include Green Zebra as a green when ripe type because of its looks and mainly becasue of its taste which is not sweet and spicy when grown by most folks.

Of the ones I listed above, all but Green Grape are heirlooms; Green Grape was created by Tom Wagner of Bakersfield, CA.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I tried Aunt Ruby's last year, and I didn't have good luck with it (of course, I blame most of the problems on our VERY strange weather - none of my 'maters were worth writing home about.) In fact, the Cherokee Purple's were the only ones that produced anywhere near expecatations.

But nonetheless, I decided to go with 'Green Zebra' this year over Aunt Ruby's. Now after reading Carolyn's recommendations, I'm pouting. Oh well - I have a bonus packet of 'Evergreen' left over from last year so maybe I'll go start a few seeds of those, too.

And now for a potentially embarrassing confession: my 'Green Grape' tomatoes (two years ago) weren't green. Does that mean I simply waited too long to pick 'em? I figured the name referred more to the size than the color of the ripe fruit :) They were, however, most DEFINITELY indeterminate, lolol.

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i liked the flavor of aunt ruby's last yr they did not grow well, i saved seed anyway and am trying them again hoping they do better the 2nd yr.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

DH and I loved Green Zebras! the only problem is they are pretty small.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


Ummm, errr, what color were your Green Grapes and where did you get the seed that gave you an indetermnate, if I may ask?


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

They were red...

......almost as red as my face at the moment. I just went back and looked at my notes. The variety was actually 'Sweet Olive' not 'Green Grape' Sigh - that's what I get for relying on my memory.

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

I went to Tomatogrower.com and found what I was looking for, will order tomorrow. My only problem is whether or not our hot climate is right for it. Maybe I should get Green Zebra also. The folks that had bad luck with Aunt Ruby's are in the south and tig in Georgia had good luck with Green Zebras. Will plant both and maybe on will come out okay. LOL

Thanks again to all.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I just love Aunt Ruby.Last year's production was weak,but I was proud to have any tomatoes in that weather. I learned to judge the ripeness by a squeeze several years ago. Green tomatoes are hard,ripe tomatoes are soft. This kept me from picking a really green one and over the season,I learned how to best pick the ripe ones. It's no big mystery if you pay attention to what the tomatoes look like from day to day. If you have room,I'd give them a shot.

Thumbnail by melody
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

digging in seeds to see if I have that one. looks scrumptious.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


My best tomato buddy lives in Raleigh and grows ARGG all the time and sells lots of them at the Farmer's Market in Raleigh where he sells a large number of heirloom tomato varieties.

And I know several folks in GA who also grow it with no problem.

In your zone you don't have to do two crops a year like the folks in zones 9 and 10 should be doing. They're the ones who have problems growing anything in the summer and even ARGG works well for them as a Spring crop.


Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks both Carolyn and Melody. I ordered all three kinds of green tomato seeds. Have enough room to grow at least one of each, not a fair test if any of them bomb out. At least I should get enough to taste each and see if I want to grow more than one each next year.

You have all been very helpful and I appreciate, will let you know how they come out.

Right now my garden is nothing but mud and broken branches and small trees from ice storm. Need to get working and have it ready. I do have two sets of grow lights to start the seeds.


Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

My opinion of all this: any green tomato is OK as long as you batter it and fry it until it is tender!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

That's just for under ripe tomatoes kikisdad.The green when ripe ones should never be fried.They are a totally different animal and are as soft as the deepest red ones.They are best when used fresh,although I have dried a few.

Fried green tomatoes are just that....under ripe tomatoes that you fry.Totally different taste and texture.You'd get mush if you fried any of the ones we've been talking about.

They're great...you ought to get a couple of plants.Certianly a conversation starter at a church dinner, if nothing else.

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Melody, I didn't want to say anything but knew that he was talking about unripe tomaoes. We have fried some but didn't really enjoy them. Maybe you or someone has a better recipe than we have. Would be willing to try it.


Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Right Melody..I did know that. Never tried the green when ripe types but what the heck why not? I have grown yellow when ripe types but really don't care for the blandness.I grow the toms in NY (upstate) and never have seen any green types as plants in the local marts. Might have to get a pack of seeds and start a few along with the other (red) ones.

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

kiki, that is what I am going to do. This will be my first year for growing green tomatoes.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I have grown yellow when ripe types but really don't care for the blandness.

Many yellow and white varieties do taste bland, I agree. But there are many yellows ( and a couple of whites) that have wonderful full flavor.

I don't know which yellows you've grown but if you mention them I'd have a better idea of what I might suggest as varieties to try if you're interested in growing some great yellow varieties.

I say yellows but most yellows turn gold at maturity, with few exceptions. Hughs and Lillian's Yellow Heirloom are yellow varieties, for instance, that do stay a clear yellow.


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey Sparks42, The green tomato that won here in Winston-Salem was Aunt Ruby's German Green and I have had very good results with it in the past two years. Very tasty fruit, large vigorous plants. What other tomatoes have you grown in this area?
Timothy T

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Timothy. Thanks for the information. The large red tomato that I have grown the last two years and is my favorite is "Burpee's Beefy Burger", it has done very well with great flavor, some of my friends have liked it and are now growing their own.

I used to grow FlorAmerica, Park's Whopper but sticking with Beefy now. Also growing a grape tomato, will have to check on name and always at least one Roma.


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