Blossom Set

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)


I usually get a nice crop from the supersteaks, but you just never know, everywhere is different as Carolyn said.

I will let you know how the garden grows. Right now I have some Orange Romas that set during our first hot day last month. Just recently I have many blossoms on the Yellow Perfection and lots of others. But since I can't get rid of this gopher, I have to race to the garden store and get one of those gopher sound thingies or I will not have any tomatoes! Just can't get this gopher to trip thr trap, he is one clever Murray!

I will look and see what seeds I have left. Just email me if you want some. Jul

Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Jul, Had gopher probelms in MT and had a wonderful old gardener tell me this trick. Do you know those small propane torches that you can buy at the local hardware store??? Not much money. You locate all of his holes and plug all but one. Then stick the torch tip (do not light it) in the hole and cover around the tip. You are trying for an air tight seal in his hole and tunnels. Now turn on the torch and let it go till you empty out the gas. Since propane gas goes down it will find its way to all of his tunnels and maybe you can get rid of him this way. It worked for us more than once. I'll email you my address and thanks.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)


Sounds great except that I can't find all the exits. He is one busy gopher. I will check my email

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