Yellow Currant questions

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We have a message in the Plants Database helpdesk queue regarding 'Yellow Currant'

Two suggestions/comments were made:

1) This should be listed as Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium and

2) It will cross-breed with other varieties unless separated by 1/4 mile or more.

I agree that that true "currant" tomatoes are properly classified as Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium but is this a true currant, or a varietal name? (I dunno)

Does it really need a 1/4 mile leeway to prevent cross-pollination?

I'm putting this in the hands of our trusty tomato experts for some answers before I make any changes to the entry.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Go, or what should I call you. LOL

Before I answer I'd like to know if you're an SSE member and have access to the SSE Annuals?

Yellow Currant is a true currant not a variety name, but.......

And as far as crossing of currants with regular garden tomatoes, the isolation distance of 1/4 mile comes from Dr. Jeff McCormack who researched that before writing his excellelnt article on X pollination which is still at the SESE website, even though Jeff no longer owns the company.

But I also understand from Keith Mueller that not all currants will cross. But how the heck are you going to question a particular currant as to whether or not it will? Hey there ole currant, are you a strain that crosses or not. LOL

I don't take any chances whatsoever when it comes to having currants around; just too risky as far as I'm concerned.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, my - I'm so sorry. I wandered off and forgot all about my question :(

Carolyn, you can call me Terry, go_vols, GV or vols. I answer to any/all of the above (plus mom, hey you, and a few other names, lolol.)

No, I don't have a current SSE book. It's on my list of things to-do, but I didn't get my membership in on time to get them while they were still hot off the press.

It sounds like these observations were accurate then. Yellow Currant is L. pimpinellifolium and should be footnoted with warnings to plant it far (FAR) away from other tomatoes to prevent crossing, yes?

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