Who is moving slowly out of winter

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I think we've past the worst here in Hamburg. For the last two weeks it hasn't rained once, and almost every day we've had lovely blue winter skies.
The temperature hasn't dropped under -2°C, for the entire time, even through the night, and yesterday we even had 4° plus here, (which is a big change from the -21° we had one afternoon just three weeks ago.)
It's back down to -1 this evening, but I think the big freeze is over. Well it lasted here from the end of November until now, so I think that that's enough, thank you.
nearly everything has started the cycle again, so I'm getting a wee bit more to do every day.
It's beginning to be fun again :-D

Anyone else coming out of the winter now?


Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

We are definately, it has been a mild winter here in the pacific northwest. I have lots of things starting to bloom. I just hope it continues in this manner, and we dont get a surprise snow storm or something like that.
Barry, I've missed seeing you, hope all is well with you.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)


Sun has been shining all week, and every day it has been over 0°C during the daytime. Yesterday it was +4°C in shade. Some snow has also melted and birds are singing. It's been a great weather for my Winter vacation. Nothing is blooming yet, but in a couple of weeks first snowdrops will start, if the weather stays normal.

I hope Spring starts from this.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Thanks Pebble, I'm doing just fine.
I went out on tour with the blues singer John Mayall, after his personal tour-manager called off ill, and I got the word to scramble.
It just takes a couple of days to re-acclimatise after living in hotels, and driving on busses across Germany for a few days.


Brugvalley, Germany(Zone 7b)

Barry, here next to Münster we have had sunny days and nights with minus 5-7 last time. We wait for spring.All it is still frozen outside.In greenhouse my brugs are starting to grow.My running dugs and turkeys are already feeling spring..gubbel gubbel gubbel...lol

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

lol Ludger,

a part of my ground is still frozen, but the sun has not reached it yet.
I was thinking of bringing my brugs out of the dark, and putting them in my office where it's light and warmer, but Monika said I should leave them for at least another 4 weeks :-(
The only animals here which think it's spring are the cats, which try to dig up my bulbs while they are having a .... having a ... well, you know ;-)


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes Barry - Mark's expensive snowdrops do too, so I hear LOL

It's been -6C over night here for a few nights now and hard white frosts each morning. The forecast is more promising for a few days' time though so fingers crossed.

Brugvalley, Germany(Zone 7b)


Barry my cats are doing the same with strange catmen...

our snowdrops are sprouting,too.We have millions here in the ground,its like a nice springweed.

I have read the thread about your brugs...Monika is right.

Its better to wait some weeks.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Oh Yes, Ludger, I've left them there, but I'll be gone again in 4 weeks for at least 2 weeks. So I hope it warms up enough for me to bring them out just before I go.

It's a shame that more people apart from Mark and myself are bothered with cats at the moment. I thought they would at least look for somewhere comfortable ;-)


Brugvalley, Germany(Zone 7b)

In HH its much milder than in other parts of D, it should work for you. As I told you last year, in really springtime ( April,May ) I can give some more brugs to you,if you want to have.

Lol, at least the cats are doing it while this cold weather........outside lol lol lol
Isnt there a song? Snowdrops and daffodils.....da da da daa

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Yes we are not normally so frozen here in HH as in the more inland parts of Germany, but we did get one afternoon with -21°C.

I may take you up on the offer of those Brugs, Ludger. I will be on tour again in March/April, and the last day of the first part of the tour is on the 27th of March in Bochum in the Matrixx, so maybe I'll pop bye on the 28th. if you don't mind.

I don't know the song, but I hear the cats "singing" nearly every night.....lol


Brugvalley, Germany(Zone 7b)

Sounds good, you are most welcome to visit Brugvalley.Its about ten minutes from exit Tecklenburg highway A1 Münster-Bremen. How many bottles from the brown water..have I to have here? Dont remember the name: whiskers?,no that is a brugname. WISKAS???

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I'll let you know what is happening closer to the date. I would like to visit another DG'er, and exchange some anecdotes.

There's no need to get any drinks in .... I'll bring the beer


There was a definite hint of spring in the air here yesterday in north west England. Hellebores which had been looking very forlorn for the last few days perked up and crocuses croaked.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

We had lots of sunshine past days..about +10C..Nighttime temp dropped to -5C to -8C..I hope spring is coming soon..The bulbs allready show their noses several weeks ..so the'll awake soon..I can allready smell the spring a little..the birds are much more noisy too.By the way I live in the very south of the Netherlands

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

here is my cat Kiki, who dissapeared for 3 days this past week and had us all in tears.
He is home finally, but eyeing the outside, I think a little too much catting around for him...he is not an outdoor cat, so hope he has learned his lesson about the big world out there.

Thumbnail by pebble

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