I need some more exciting trades of unknown seeds, so I wondered whether anyone would be interested in a multiple lucky dip trade of unusual seeds. How about something like this:

Anyone interested sends me 10 packets of their most unusual seeds (alpines, perennials, fruit, shrubs, trees, tropical, vines - not veggies or annuals), labelled with their Latin name.

If you only have small amounts of lots of things, you can make up a Mixed Trade of several small packets (each labelled, please) to count as one.

They can be all the same or all different.

You can send more than 10 packets if you like. You'll get back however many you send in.
Please send them in a padded envelope, by Priority Air Mail, to arrive by 16th June

I'll put them all in a pile (or a flower pot) and pick out ten packets for each participant (or however many packets you sent in), and send them back to you in your padded envelope by Priority Air Mail by 23rd June.

I'm not doing wish lists, but if there's any type of seed you particularly like or don't like, you can put in a note and I'll see what I can do, but I'm not promising anything.

Anyone interested? E-mail me at for my address if you want to join in or if you have any suggestions or questions.

I sent the seeds out today. More info on the Seed Trading Forum:

Thanks to everyone who joined in.

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