Styrax japonica

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I planted a Styrax japonica 3 years ago in the early spring. It bloomed beautifully. It was already about 10ft tall. Since then nothing. It looks healthy - but no blooms. It's now about 15ft tall.
Any help on what I need to do would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Liz

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

No one grows them? I really would appreciate your help. Thanks ~~

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Liz, all the one's I've seen have bloomed well, even sickly ones in the shade. And that's a biggy. Is it in your lawn (high N fert?) that could do it. If that's not it I have a good book that'll say. Let me know.

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

OK I couldn't wait. In our zone it's best in part shade. But that may be waved (in my opinion) because you are on the ocean, which is more temperate in summer and winter. Acid soil, which you have. It reccomends peat addition during planting, maybe throw a small mulch of peat on. I'm sure it isn't that, like our rhodos don't need additional peat right? No diseases. So I'd say too much N. I think 5' in 3 years may be too fast (high N). Are you ferting it at all?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Thanks Dennis - I amended the soil when I planted it but haven't fed it since. It doesn't burn out in the summer, or seem to have anything else wrong with it. Could it just take awhile to settle in? Maybe one of these days you could look at it for me?

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Sure next time I'll look. Is it planted in the lawn, and do you fert the lawn?
It doesn't need to burn to have excessive N. Just imagine ferting brugs with grass fert, dark green huge flowerless plants.
5-6 years ago I planted a 2' ginkgo which is a slow grower. It is now 12'+. I feed it with 40-4-4 in spring and summer, then dose it with 0-0-50 in September/Oct for hardiness. Yes, I am lucky as it could me messed up and spindly but it's actually one of the nicest forms I've seen. Plus, we haven't have a freak cold snap, it could be quite week, but it's just fun to play ith their minds a bit. Yes, off topic, but might explain the ggrowth on yours? Try either a granuler flowering plant food early spring, or even fruit tree plant spikes, I don't think the flower busd are set yet.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

It's in a garden bed on the south side, down near the water.
Thanks for your help Dennis, I appreciate it. I'll feed it next month.

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