Wildlife observations Feb 11

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

please dont move this thread

I thought this would be fun to do because much is happening as spring advances very fast here in the UK

The blackbirds have been coming down to eat and look for nest material. Also saw a large water vole yesterday scurry into a hold on the river bank

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

A Magpies nest is well under way in a tree near me. Only last week I noticed what I thought was the remains of an old Hooded Crow nest. I see it every day will I sit at a T junction waiting to get out. Every morning the nest has got bigger.

The pair of Robins who share the car park at work no longer fight. it must be love. The car park used to be split down it's length. Today they were "having a chat" beside my car which is well within one terrritory.

I have seen Rooks doing their display flights and courtship feeding.

The Goldfinches at work sing every day.

Unfortunately, the only wildlife at my workplace are the people kicking off downstairs.

I did see what I thought was a tree with masses of little nests on it. A closer look revealed the Birch had a lot of proliferation. I heard several flocks of small birds in the Forest but I couldn't get close enough to see what they were (they were on the other side of a bog). Haven't heard any bees yet, we do sometimes get one or two this early

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