Just To Beautiful

(Zone 5a)

I don't know the name for this one but I do know that it is beautiful.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Plumieville, PA(Zone 6b)

wow,that is beautiful!

(Zone 5a)

Miss there were so many of them there at the conservatory that I was drooling over every one.

Plumieville, PA(Zone 6b)

windsuffer, i could imagine,there is another one i seen you posted that was just as pretty,do you grow orchids. i have 3 that do well for me, one is getting ready to bloom .but i have had many that went to compost pile :( when they are blooming they are wow !

(Zone 5a)

No these are not mine but orchids from the Franklin Park Conservatory. I love orchids and tried to grow some from seeds last year and they did alright until I brought them inside and that's when I lost them. I don't have enough light or room to grow them indoors. It's been so cold here and those beautiful flowers just perked me up and of course I had to share them here.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

if not mistaken those are cymbidium orchids. they have long strap like leaves and big bulbs protruding off the ground. the blooms last and last for months. i once grew them from the house i left behind. those come in different shades and colors, some are white, some green, some maroon... depending on the cultivar. very easy to grow. it was very hardy to zone 9-12

edited for spelling error

This message was edited Tuesday, Feb 11th 10:09 PM

Plumieville, PA(Zone 6b)

windsuffer, i knew that you had taken the pictures at a conservatory, guess i worded my sentence wrong ,i was just wondering if you grew orchids,i tryed but wasnt to successful at it. i have 4 left that seem to do well and flower for me but most of them would bud like they were going to bloom than drop the bud before opening :(
i am enjoying your pictures that you took at the consevatory.and i know what you mean about the cold ,and the flowers perking you up:)
cant wait till spring!

(Zone 5a)

MaVie I know that there are some that are hardy to our climate but having the room to grow them is another problem. I have two of my burg plants and a few other cramed everywhere and trying to keep the brat cat pack off of them is another problem. The two I really want and love is the Lady Slipper, and Phaleonopsis and I hope to have one of each this year.

Miss I misread your post and of couse the little devil in me wanted to take credit for every orchid I posted here but the good side of me won out lol.
I only had the one I tried to grow from seed but I am sure I will end up with a beautiful orchid this year.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Kit, it is easy to grow cymbidiums, they do not require too much tlc to grow them. i used to mix 1 part orchid bark to 1 part perlite and some horticultural charcoal as the growing medium. add some 20-20-20 fertilizer and they are off on their own. blooming time depends on the cultivar. they are not so picky. when i used to lived in Los Angeles, i grow some on the ground. the only problem then were the snails that loved to eat the leaves and new growths. otherwise they are not so fussy to grow at all. here's a link for u to learn more about them ... http://ont.itgo.com/cymbidium_companions.htm

(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the link I am going to give it a try.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

always my pleasure Kit :)! good luck!!!

(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the information as well as the link, I meant to say it yesterday but for some reason didn't....old age *giggle*

(Zone 5a)

MaVie I don't think that this plant is a cymbidium, every link I have checked on the internet has a different picture but none like mine above. http://www.speciesorchids.com/photos.html#c

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

this is as close as i can find on the light pink cymbidium ... http://www.alphalink.com.au/~andre/4910.htm remember cymbidium comes in different arrays of colors.

(Zone 5a)

Well lordy be your right, I am sorry I doubted you my dear but when I went to the PDB and looked up cymbidium I saw a plant there and thought I was in the wrong place I never knew there were so many.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

no problem Kit :). from one who used grow them in many colors, u need not be surprised LOL! the long strap leaves were the give away for me to know that they were cymbidiums.

(Zone 5a)

Well you just go girl!

(Zone 5a)

MaVie would this be the same type of orchid?

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

Here is another one and I think that they are all cymbidiums and if so could you please tell me the species? This is the last one I promise and thank you for your help.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

check this url for different colors of cymbidium. click on the ones that are underlined to enlarged photo ... http://www.alphalink.com.au/~andre/cymflasklist.htm

(Zone 5a)

MaVie I am not going to be adding anymore orchids to the PDB, I received a letter stating that it wasn't a pink cymbidium and I sent them the link you gave me above but I guess they still don't think it is.


I have sent you a reply.

Yes it is a Cymbidium and yes it is pink. However, the entry is for a cultivar named 'Pinky'(made by another member) and there is a question as to whether there is a Cymbidium cultivar called 'Pinky' registered in the International Orchid Register.

I'm not questioning anyone's ID of the genus nor the colour of the flowers.

This message was edited Tuesday, Mar 11th 6:11 PM

(Zone 5a)

I think that since I really don't know anything about orchids then it's best that I don't post them and if this one I posted isn't a cymbidium pinky then by all means remove it, I don't want to confuse anyone.

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