Cymbidium flower stalk help

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

My sisters cymbidium has a stalk of 14 new flowers ready to bloom. The pot got knocked over and the stalk broke off. She was wondering if she put the stalk in water, would they still bloom for her.

She is so heartbroken over this.



Never hurts to try!

If the buds were quite close to opening, I'm pretty sure they will flower in a vase for her. The plant might send up another flower stalk to replace the broken one too.

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks Baa for the info. I will relay this message to her so she can possibly look for the new stalk. The buds were quite close to opening also.


My pleasure!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

well how did it go?

unfortunatel a new flower spike wont form until this winter

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

You know what Mark, I don't know for sure. I do know that the budded stalk has lasted all this time and they all opened for her, but I don't know about a new stalk forming. I will have to ask her about it, and tell her that if a new one hasn't started, to look for a new one at a later time.
Thanks for asking, and I will let you know.


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

to get the best from a Cymbidium put it outside, against a west wall, from the last frosts until the frosts are due. make sure slug pellets are on the ground around it/them. keep it watered. the effect of warm days and gradual cooler nights makes the plant set flower stems. when frosts are due the plants should be kept in a frost free but cool place 10C/50F is best.

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