Michael Jackson

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

was picked on big time by Martin Bashir!! he became his friend then ripped him apart at the end. The tabloids were worse on Tuesday morning and mis-quoted everything they saw and heard.

what will happen when this airs for those in America tonight or tomorrow? They will go bonkers from off their soap boxes!

Like he sang "leave me alone"!!

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

It will be on tomorrow night here, I dont know if I will watch it.
did you watch it? he is one scary person....
I used to like him when he was halfway normal in the early 80's

This message was edited Wednesday, Feb 5th 6:40 PM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well, I watched it pebble, and I have to agree that he does seem a little out of the norm

I found the attitude to his own children and the women who bore them 'for him' VERY strange. And the scene showing him feeding his baby was worrying with the need to keep the baby's head covered in a netting wrap and his incessant nervy jiggling. Euuugh

New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

I would not worry too much about Americans disapproving of Bashir's docu~flick adout Jackson. It's widely agreed here that the fellow is a little outside the mainstream of reasonable human behavior.

Some years ago, Jackson settled out of court ~~~ for an unknown sum ~~~ the accusation that he had "interfered" with a 14 year old Los Angeles boy he had befriended. This has not been forgotten by a gossip~obsessed American info~tainment audience.

My fellow American consumers adore this sort of distraction ;~)


Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

I dont recommed nervy and not even anybody else.........very stupid game.....which link I founf other site.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL Mitjo

Yes Adam, it would be good to know the truth - philanthropist or paedophile

Sounds as if you're going with innocent philanthropist Mark?

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I didnt watch it but how naive can someone be?

You are one of the most famous people in the world, known for your eccentricities and you invite a journalist into your home. Do you really expect them to give out a nice twee story. What would be the interest and story in that?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

is that a stamp collector? I dont know what it means

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL Mark. Someone who loves mankind (in the broad sense ;) and performs charitable actions demonstrating their concern for humanity

New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

You guys are funny.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

The program aired last night, I rarely watch night time TV, and just sort of stumbled on the show. I was deeply disturbed at what I heard from MJ and his attitude. I hope many Americans feel the same. It was disturbing....

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Is that all europeans Adam, or any of us in particular??

BTW I only caught 18 of those poor infants Mitjo, which apparently means I am poor parenting material (or alternatively that I haven't played enough space invaders games in my misspent youth LOL)

Oh, and Mark - stamp collectors are philatelists


[The philo/phila/phile part of the words means 'lover of'
In my case a tune - melody - which is why philomel was used as a name for the nightingale (and OK yes, Turdus philomelus, the song thrush too)
paedophile = lover of/sexually attracted to young children
philanthropist = lover of the human race]

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

LOL philomel!
I test is again and I caught......29.......baby saver..hehheh...

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I did watch part of it last night, with my children no less, and they were appaled at him as well.
The whole denying that he had plastic surgery - what's with that? for pete's sake....
and the feeding of the baby? he was shaking so badly, like he had never fed the baby, and that veil over the baby's head was in his mouth while he was trying to feed.
Just bizarre is all I can say. Did he ever do drugs? that might explain it, but I have a feeling that he didnt.
He is just too weird for words. It is a shame for the children though, can you imagine what they are going to grow up to be? and, ahem...if they are his children, don't you think they would be a little darker? and the blond child? his hair was obviously bleached, did you all notice that? but their skin was too light. I know Michael looks white now, but his genes havent been altered, so his children would have some black features, (the nose for example? - if you noticed his nose when he was a child - was definately a black nose.) I liked the way he looked in his earlier era - the billy jean era, when in my opinion he was at the height of his career.
I wont even go into the era when "Jackson settled out of court ~~~ for an unknown sum ~~~ the accusation that he had "interfered" with a 14 year old Los Angeles boy he had befriended" it is too sick to think about. After that episode, my opinion of him crashed.
And that is my 2 cents worth

maybe he is on drugs, why else would he dangle his baby like that?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Gee, I only caught 14! Too busy laughing! Secont time only 12!

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

That sum is said to be 22 or 25 million dollars!

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