Clematis "Armandii"

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Any day now, as I look out my kitchen window...this vine is going to bloom! In the beginning of Feb. ?????? never, ever, have I witnessed this before....what have you all blooming' or about to in your garden? Elaine

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I have one of these and I haven't looked but it probably has buds too but it is only in its second year. I have a tiny little purple iris blooming, I think this might be iris reticulata, a few crocus, daphne odora, and an old purple primrose. I have some window boxes with primroses and pansies which I just potted up for there a couple of weeks ago so they don't really count as something that is already planted and in the ground. Daffodils are in bud, tulips are up. I came home today having been gone for 4 days and I see it wouldn't hurt to mow the grass, it is growing ever so slowly but growing nonetheless. Time to trim the roses too.

Woodburn, OR(Zone 8a)

pansies and primroses, and some potted geraniums have been blooming all winter, there must be a little microclimate by my back door!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Howdy neighbor, Carena, Welcome to DG. What part of Woodburn? I live about 8 miles from Woodburn. After walking around the garden today, I noticed daffodil Tete a Tete blooming and the Wisley Blue ipheion blooming too.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Clematis "Armandii" is a beautiful fragrant evergreen vine. Here is a link to read more about it .

Olympia, WA

Noted buds on my C. armandii, as well ...... and two bloomers not yet listed is the Kerryia - which has its first flower, as well as Vinca minor! Heart felt compassion for those under snow and ice - gratitude for "wettern" Washington climate - right now!

Vicki in Olympia

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