plumeria cutting to Canada

Dripping Springs, TX

I have a customer that would like to know about shipping a cutting to Canada. I have never done this and I think it's impossible. But I would like some comments from our friends from the north. Thanks.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

On the record or off the record?

Dripping Springs, TX

uh oh ! sounds like you need to email me.

Halifax County, NS

hi ive gotten a few but they arent supposed to come without one of those cert. ohhh its getting hard but thanks to some traders im still recieving them lol but i didnt say this lol

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Just for the record, I was able to pick up a couple locally in Vancouver with bloom buds on them. One I kept and one went up Island to brugcrazy. Good things happen when you're not expecting to find them. I found them in the last place you would look for them.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I have recently received a box of plants from the U.S.with the word "plants" right on the label. I suppose you just have to take a chance. No phyto certificate. I have also received some seeds from the U.S. with no problem.

Arkona, ON

I have had fish (live, Bettas) from the US shipped here. Customs always a hassle. Much easier to cross the border and do a pick up at or similar.

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Two options
1 chance it (for one cutting i would)
2 Go the official way which is that the recipient in Canada has to fill out and send an application for importing plants available here :
Cost is depending on use but usually 35 CDN. Once approved you'll be advised about the requirements for import e.g phytosanytary cert.

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