Looking for

Seymour, TN(Zone 6b)

I am looking for heirloom tomato seeds. I'm usually the person who buys a few plants from the local greenhouse and trys to get them to grow. This year I've been collecting a small amount of unusual seeds, and plan on sowing them indoors to plant outside in the spring in a special raised bed that will be for nothing but tomatoes. I personally love the low acid of the yellow varieties, but am a babe in the woods when it comes to knowing all about the different varieties of seed. I have flower seeds to offer in trade mostly. I would also be willing to trade fleece hats from my business for those of you in the cold states. I am very excited to try this . Here is a link to my trade list.

I have more Hibiscus ( hardy ) and cup and saucer, and some tomato seeds of my own to trade too, that aren't on my list.

Thanks !


This message was edited Saturday, Feb 1st 2:19 PM

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


Just a short comment about you mentioniong yellow tomatoes as being low acid.

Studies have been done by the USDA and private persons and of all the tomato varieties tested, there were no large differences in acidity levels as related to color of fruits.

The only proven exception, that's been documented, is the hybrid variety Jet Star which is low acid.

What happens with the pastel colored fruit varieties is that they seem to have a higher sugar content which masks the normal acidity levels.

What folks perceive as hi or low acid, then, is not due to true acidity levels. There are many other flavor components of tomatoes, but none of them characterized chemically. if those genes could be IDed the hybridizers could put the good tasting genes from some varieties into other varieties that don't have such good taste but have other possible redeeming virtues.


Seymour, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow thanks Carolyn, I've certainly learned something new. So it's the higher sugar level that is the difference.

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