Looking for Wisteria advice

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd like to plant a Wisteria to cover a 8'x12'sturdy cedar arbor I built over a brick patio in full sun. I don't mind waiting for it to bloom, just not sure which one to get, W. floribunda or sinensis? Then I saw the 15 varieties offered by Bloom River Gardens (bloomriver.com) and now I'm more confused! I would get a few different ones, but don't want to end up with a 'Wisteria jungle' that needs constant pruning. Only want to get one really nice cultivar. Anyone have an idea on what to recommend? Thanks!

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

i have a purple opne and a white one that i plan to run together. on a cedar arbor this would look really good. just a thought

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

I have a really big Wisteria growing up the side of my barn, that I inherited when I bought this place. It smells wonderful, but much too big to move to a place where it can be apprecitated. I can't remember the color, since it's been two years since I've been well enough to walk that far. The white variety is common around here, though. I'd like to take cuttings to have it around the house. In Tennesse, so they tell me, I'm new here, you can garden most of the year. I'm not sure how early wisteria can be propagated. I'm going to try soon, and I will get extra's started for anyone, who would like to trade. I'm new to trading here, so I'm not sure how to do plants that I'm not sure of the variety, since I didn't plant them. They have been here quite a while though. Any help, would be appreciated, since I've really miss gardening, being sick so long.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

mesemb.....this was one of the most asked questions, when I was working in a nursery....and my answer was, and still is******* buy your self a grafted Wisteria..such as "Black Dragon".....( a beautiful dark, dark purple and fragrant!) grows quickly! good luck, Elaine

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

I received an email from someone at this post, but was too sick to respond, and now I can't find it. I'm sorry. I'm going to try to take cuttings off the wisteria, because I've been disabled so long, with no income, that I'm being forclosed on next month. I've got to have something to look forward to. Gardening again has been my goal for this year and I am determined to be well enough to do some form of gardening. Even if I have to pot everything to take with me.

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