Whoooo is it?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I heard an owl calling from somewhere across the river today while i was walking in the park...not far from where I encountered the Whip-poor-will a few days prior. I think it might have been a barred owl, given that it was in a swampy area with lots of hammocks, which is where they like to be. Here's a link to a picture of this beautiful owl from the enature.com website field guides (you can also hear his call): http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=1&shapeID=960&curPageNum=20&recnum=BD0160

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I love hearing owls in the night. Haven't heard one since we bought our house. We had the little screech owls at our old apartment complex. One landed on my balcony one night, we looked at each other for a while before a car drove by and scared it away

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

YOu and me both. Very calming. I like the call of the Whip-poor-wills, too. They usually call at dusk. I long to be back out in the countryside with pastures and woods all around...

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