EURR Update 27th Jan

Sorry folks, my intention wasn't to say 'Love me, love me, I feel sorry for myself' *G*. But thanks for the comments.

My main concern has been the postal problems we've all had to suffer since it's slowed down the packages to a 3 month completion, 6 weeks of which each packages has been held in postie limbo. It's getting to the point where I'm thinking of suggesting a similar course of sharing that Mary Fry does (which is excellent BTW) and an example of which is currently going on in tiG's weird seed dip.

Anyway, it's a while off yet.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I hope you'll keep me on the list Baa and keep the RR going. I really appreciate it. With all the trading and the RR I've done this winter, I've only had to buy one packet of seed (Brussels sprouts)so thanks to everyone who's put in what I wanted and a big special thanks to Baa for arranging it. It makes gardening special when what you grow has come from a fellow gardener and not from a shop.

I find it strange that one of the parcels went missing in the UK and yet the other went round all the different European countries and didn't get lost! So much for language difficulties!

I've almost run out of seeds to trade but once I start sowing I'm sure I'll find I've too many seeds and will want to exchange them for things more exciting!

Can't wait to get gardening again!

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Baa, I'm in for the next RR and I do hope you'll start this again. I know it's lots of work and I can imagine you'll feel responsible when it's going round. For me is this RR a spot closer to home. Also...besides I can obtain nice seeds...more important to me is the friendship and the positivity in this messy times whith a war at the threshold..It gives me so much pleasure to read the replies that shows so much friendship and confident. I like to be a part of this community. So Baa, please keep this RR going!

Big hug, Saya

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Saya is right - as an ex-pat Brit, I find it keeps me closer to home and being part of the RR commmunity is important. With so much hatred around in the world, it's wonderful to have international friendships, even if it is just postings on a website!

Baa - you are doing a wonderful job!

OK OK you can let go of my arm now *G*

It'll be about 4-8 weeks before it goes out once again. The package is now incredibly heavy with all the generous additions. Suggestions on how the next RR should be run will be gratefully received.

Also this is the time to opt out if you wish. Others not previously on the list can also join in, preferably subbed members but we have at least two unsub members who have dilligently received and sent the package straight out, these I would like to keep as they have been excellent RRers along with the rest of you.

Thanks for your support and help in keeping this last one going and for the offers of help you've given me. These are all very much appreciated.

Now for John's sake, do we have any more heirloom veg growers besides Gerddi with rare gems to share with him *G*

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Got the RR this morning. I've spent whole day with looking up and making my choices and of course packing replacements. As it goes to you Baa, I've watched your tradelist trying to put some in that I hope you don't allready have. I'll mail the package tomorrow to you.
Thank you all for the nice seeds!

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Heh, heh... you wait till you get my Mr Bound's Bean pea (courtesy of the HDRA), on the next RR. It's certifiably a pea, but thinks it's a bean. It yields pods - and seeds - several times fatter than the largest broad bean.

Alas, you'll have to wait a few months. Because I'm growing it out only this May...

Just, keep the faith!

Thanks Saya :)

John ... a confused pea, or a pea with aspirations? I hope to follow the success story of this one!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


Make sure you do grow this one out and it doesn't get attacked by slugs, aphids, caterpillars, blight, mould, mildew, other types of fungal attack, viruses, gales, snow, ice, flood drought, or whatever, 'cos I want one!

I think my heritage red kale is a goner - it fell over and was under snow all winter - still is. Usually kale rises above the snow but this one seems a little too tender for my conditions so, if I promised anybody seeds in the next RR - it's not looking too hopeful.

So - in the next RR, how about some really hardy kale seed from someone!

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I've got so many seeds at the moment Baa that it would be better if I didn't take part in the next one.
I'm still wondering where I'm going to plant the ones which I have here.

Keep up the good work, it's very well organised.


Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

hmmm...fresh peas..beans...yummy

I think I put some Kale seed in the last one Gerddi, not a heritage type though!

Wintermoor ... Oh no you don't, too many seeds is no excuse for not having to cope with more. I think my seeds have missed out the plant bit and are multiplying by themselves! *G*

OK I'll let you off the RR coming up ;) Thanks for letting me know.

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)


Ho, if you want a pea with aspirations try Telephone Pole. It clambered all over my neighbour's fence and, so fat were the pods, he thought I was growing cucumbers.

(He's strictly a coffee-table flower-gardening magazine type of person, I confess...)

Yay, you will have Mr Bound's Bean Pea, in due course. If I have it. And if the YETIS (Yeoman's Extraordinary Troubles & Implausible Snafus) don't get it first!

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

John, next time you will be telling us the okra seeds were as big as watermelons...


Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Ah, but you should have seen my watermelons! As big as the Millennium Dome.

And my giant marrows have been hollowed out by the government for use as contingency football stadiums, in the event that Wembley Stadium is not completed on schedule...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

You are really one of a kind !!!!


Many apologies to you Saya and many thanks for the package (which came back about 2 weeks ago!) I thought I'd already posted but hadn't.

A great big THANKS to all the RR members, we've had some wonderful seeds travel the miles and I hope the seeds you chose grace your gardens this year. It would be good to hear how the seeds germinate and grow in our individual plots.

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