
Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

I have about an area about 3'X 5' in front of a storage/potting shed I've added in my shade garden. I would like to find something that I can direct sow in that area this spring. Any suggestions? Is there something that has worked for you? I use lots of impatients but would like to have a periennial. Also, would really like to have something 18 inches or more in height. Does this plant exist for Zone 7b shade?

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm not quite sure what you are looking for. Summer flowering balsam would give you short term color and height for this year, but it is an annual. Columbine would work well there, but won't bloom until next season, like most perennials. Rudbeckias will take quite a bit of shade, so it depends on how shady it is. False dragonhead(Obedient plant) would give you height too. Other ideas would be lady's mantle, cranesbill, bleeding heart, toad lilies, dwarf goatsbeard, astilbe, forget-me-nots, hosta(some are really tall), perhaps toss in a trellis and try your hand at clematis, anemones, and don't forget to toss in some bulbs. Hope that helps!

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

NP, can I direct sow seed for any of those? I'm trying to think of a way to plant this area without blowing my whole garden budget. But, I'm also am too much of a "minute" person. I would like to see SOME results this year. I guess that is why I asked if there is such a thing.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

You could seed in some perennials and then spruce it up with annuals for this years color. Nemophila (baby-blue-eyes) would be a nice annual to consider. You could direct seed it and it would probably re-seed in the following years.

Columbines, foxgloves, hardy geraniums, and forget-me-nots could all be direct seeded but they won't put out much for flowers until next year.

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

I appreciate the good ideas. I think using the annuals along with starting perennials is the way to go. Thanks! Doris

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Make sure you don't cover the seeds of the columbine and foxglove. They need light to germinate.

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