Marianna's Peace

Wayland, KY(Zone 6a)

I was expecting someone to offer the Marianna’s Peace tomato in this year's Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook. Just wondering if Gary Ibsen has any legal right to prevent anyone from either selling, or giving away these seeds?

BTW, at the moment he has a great buy on them. Six seeds for $24, or a two packet limit (12 seeds total) for $48 + postage. :)

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Must be awesome tomatoes for that price!

Wayland, KY(Zone 6a)

Several folks that have grown this tomato rave about the flavor.
The price of the seeds was an apparent sucessful marketing ploy by Tomatofest owner, Gary Ibsen. The price angered many people, but Tomatofest received a lot of publicity in the process.


Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)


Marianne Jones of will be selling Marianna's Peace on her heirloom tomato website sometime this month. There's been a discussion about this at the tomato forum on gardenweb recently. This should be stiff competition for Gary Ibsen. Knowing Marianne, she's unlikely to charge such outrageous prices for these seeds.


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

But, if you are not on site when she starts selling them, they will probably all be gone in no time. That's the problem I had with the elusive Lauren's Grape poppy seeds last year, but NOT from Marianna's site. I'm just so goosey that if I really want something bad, I'll stalk that site until it's released. LOL! I lost out on the Lauren's Grape because I was trying to comparison shop, then all were gone. I eventually did find some seeds though. I'll keep checking that site though to see if they come up. I don't know how long of a growing season Marianna's Peace needs, but I'd love to give it a try. If I could just find my seeds and refresh my memory, I really think that Owen sent me some. Oh, this moving and having everything packed is stressing me out now that I want my seeds! LOL

Edited twice to clarify that the Lauren's Grape poppy seeds that I was seeking were not from Marianna's web site. I was merely making a comparison as to how hard to find some of the most sought after seeds are to get. Lots of them are first come, first serve, and rightfully so.

This message was edited Saturday, Jan 25th 11:37 PM

This message was edited Saturday, Jan 25th 11:40 PM

Wayland, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry, I didn't realize that you had posted a similar thread earlier. Should have done a search.

Pinkangel420 & JoanJ
Thanks for the information, and recommendation on the Marianne Jones site. I'll be keeping a close watch.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a) need to apologize to Owen, I was the one that brought his old post back up...I knew he had posted a picture on it for folks to see. Was also wondering if he had gotten any legal notice about re-selling/saving seeds when he purchased his seeds last year. Figgered he'd post here by now.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Owens gone Shoe.:(

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Gone? Vacation? Or gone-gone? (I'm always in the dark, eh?) Sorry.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

He said on BGI,he was dropping both BGI and Daves,I'm gonna miss his humor.

Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone,

Just an update on the Marianna's Peace seed saga - according to Carolyn Male and other members of the GW tomato forum, Marianna Jones plans to have them for sale on her website sometime next week. One member got an email from her stating that they would be available next Tuesday. I guess we'll all be keeping our eyes open till then.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the update Pinkangel420 on Marianna's Peace seeds.

I have purchased several varieties of tomato seeds from Mariann Jones' website last year. I was very pleased with her assortment of varieties, they all germinated, plus I still had enough left over for trading!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Marianne also grows all her own seed; the last seed company that does.

She has hundreds of varieties in her collection. In fact, even if it's not cataloged, chances are if you tell her you're looking for something she likely has it.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Brook, that's important to know that Marianne is an excellent resource.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Please note that I edited my above post to clarify that I was not talking about Marianna's web site when I was referring to having to be right there when something was released. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I was merely making a comparison as to what you need to do if there's something much sought after being released. First come, first served. When gone, they're gone.

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Joan: I didn't see anything either confusing nor offensive in your original post. If anybody did, they just need to lighten up, methinks.

I should mention, too, that Marianne started selling plants a couple of seasons back, and it's now a big part of her business. So, for those in the Tennessee area who want them, you might check if she'll be offering the MP as started plants as well.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I got an e-mail from Marianne yesterday and she was wroking with the man who does her website and had hoped to get the Marianna's Peace seeds up by today but I haven't yet checked because she said she'd send me an e-mail when it was up and I haven't received that e-mail.

I see that what I say elsewhere also appears here. LOL

No, there are no legal restrictions from anyone listing or doing whatever they want to for a true heirloom since it can't be patented, thus no protection.

The hype that this variety has received just boggles me wee mond. LOL

And it doesn't surprise me at all that no one listed it in the 2003 Annual.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

After Owen's recommendation last year, (and that was in spite of the crummy weather we all seemed to have), I am planning to grow Marianna's Peace this year (Lord willing and the creek don't rise.) I'll be placing them away from my other 'maters and hopefully will have lots of seeds to share next year.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I'm going to be growing MP as well. I wasn't going to pay that price for seeds, even though Gary once said I could have anything from his website in exchange for all the many varieties I sent him years ago, but someone made available free seeds so that variety is on the list for summer 2003.

Everyone I know who has grown it seems to love it.

I feel the same way about two of the varieties I'm offering with SSE and those are Neves Azorean Red and Aunt Gertie's Gold, the latter of which is a fitting tribute to Chuck Wyatt who got the seeds from a friend. Chuck died last June. Some of you may be aware of his website where he sold many varieties that one couldn't get unless they were SSE members.


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