My garden is having an identity crisis

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

My original vision of my garden was that it should have an English garden look. Perennials, roses, iris, clematis. I have these plants and I love them. Imagine my surprise when I became addicted to brugs. They fit in well with the others. Somewhere along the way I started acquiring plants with a tropical look. Bananas and roses are not the normal mix. Something has got to go.
I think I'll be tearing out dozens of rhodos and azaleas this spring.
Anyone else ripping stuff out of the garden this year?

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

LOL Liz.
I prefer to say my garden is 'evolving'. :)
Thinking of changes helps get me through our Canadian winters. ( and my 'mad money' fund as well I might add)
Have you had much success with finding new Taro's this spring?
At least you and BrugCrazy don't have as much concern about choosing plants that have to be lifted in the fall as we do here in the east! That sort of tends to rein in my choices here .

Frankford, ON(Zone 5b)

Liz, I am on a plane the day your ready to dig up and throw away all those plants!!!!!!

I would say that it is very hard to do a traditional type garden with a victoria or english type theme.
As you can see in my photos I seem to have a mix. Some structure and other parts are just whereever I had room to plant. I say combined your loves, make them look pretty and don't worry about its true Identity.

How about trying to keep a tropical border with the castors, cannas and brugs and the interior of the design with more of an english twist with the tradional roses and such.


rural, WY(Zone 3a)

I have done it too Liz. The problem here is there is all this bare dirt. My parents want "evergreens". But my giant CG needs it's place!
I plant them all directly into soil and hack them out in fall (Brugs). Maybe ferns would be nice, kinda tropical looking, but enjoy shade under the brugs. Oh yeah my ferns (Dicksonias/Cyatheas) come in too. Hmm.

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