Home Front & Gangs of New York

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

dijja see Home Front tonight?

in my opinion that is the best garden and house project they have ever done. Both were the coolest. I should have recorded it for some ideas. dont suppose anyone out there did?

so to Gangs of New York ....
I went to see it. you have to go see it cos it's an awesome movie. all 3 hours of it. you wont feel you are sitting there for so long.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

What did you think of the Irish accents?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

no-one can do an Irish accent other than us. Actors have this strange, taught?, accent that we can spot a mile off. It's neither north or south

I would have placed the accents as someone who left here years ago and has picked up some of the local accent.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Yes I agree with you, although I haven't seen the film I thought that I might find the accent annoying therefore spoiling the film.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

but the priest (Dead Rabbit Gang) has a real accent cos he's from just up the road from me.

I find that Southmede, the one that really gets up my nose is Barry (Barraiy) in Auf Weidersein (Sp?) Pet, it's a good try but it's more Brummie than BC.


I'm afraid I saw neither, I can't sit still for 3 solid hours *G*. When it gets on the telly I'll probably watch the filum

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I was very decadent and took time off to go and see this today.
That's some film
REALLY good. Thanks for recommending it Mark, I would have missed it

The accents are marginally irritating southmede, but if you remember that most of the characters haven't been in Ireland for some while, what Mark says above is true "I would have placed the accents as someone who left here years ago and has picked up some of the local accent"

It's such a strong film though that you can forgive it that.
I thought it was about to finish halfway through, then they involved you deeper and deeper with twists and turns.

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