Wood Poppies

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Has anyone ever been able to get Wood Poppies to grow from the wild? I would love to plant some this Spring.
Also, does anyone know where I can get my hands on some?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I don't think they're too hard to grow. From what I've read direct seeding in early spring is the best. I bought some seeds but I'm having a brain cramp trying to remember where. I think it must have been from Chiltern's Seeds. They're in the "Watchdog" here. If you search the catalog they might have them.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you for the response. I'll be certain to check Chiltern's for them and check the Watchdog. By the way, I always check the member's home page in order to get a feel for the person who responds. The picture on your homepage is quite beautiful. What are the tall yellow and purple flowered plants? Carol

Clearfield, PA(Zone 5a)

LittleDutch, Are you talking about those Yellow poppies that grow wild in the woods? If so there are lots of them here. They are growing under my Tulip tree. I will send you some for postage when the weather warms. LMK, Sandy

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Little Dutch....my name is Carol too..
I think I remember that the tall purple flowers in Poppysue's garden is Joe Pye Weed. Not sure about the yellow ones..will have to wait for Poppysue to show up and tell us.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Sandy, YES! I wanted to get a start of them because they were my Father's favorite wild flower. The last year of his life, I took his birthday off from work and we spent the day together. We drove over old country roads, and he would invaribly stop at remote places where we would have to hike through the woods, at which time he would point out a patch of trilliums, wood poppies, or cow slips. The list goes on and on.... I would not only offer postage, I would consider my first born as well. (laughing) I would love to get them growing as a memorial. After the original post, I performed a web search and found out they are on the endangered list in Canada, and are dwindling in other areas as well.

Carol, thanks for the information. I'm amassing a list of those plants I want to use in landscaping before I begin.

It is great to meet you both! Thanks for your responses.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

You look so happy and content in your Secret Garden. I'm ready for a glass of tea and a nice chat! LOL

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

You bet Carol! Anytime..I love to have people come and enjoy my garden. Sure hope you can get those Wild poppies to grow..it's a lovely idea..a tribute to your Dad.
I don't have any Joe Pye weed yet..but I have been thinking of getting a plant someday(it is at the garden centre for about 15 dollars)..It grows wild near the stream that is
close to where I work..maybe I could get a little bit and try it here.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Sorry Littledutch... I don't mean to ignore. Starz is right... that's Joe Pye weed. My plant has gotten huge, it grows 9 or 10 feet tall. I'm pretty sure it's a named variety but the name escapes me. I've grown some of the seeds from this plant but the flowers were paler and not as pretty. I'm surprised it's so expensive Starz - I think I paid $4 or $5 at a local garden center. It took a couple of years for it to get big.

The yellow is Jerusalem artichokes that were growing wild here when I started my garden. I made the mistake of tilling over them when I put my bed in. They make a tuber and all the little pieces grew to make more plants. I like them when they bloom ... but otherwise they're a pain in the butt! As you can see... I zillions of them.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Poppysue, I'm laughing as I read your note. I can imaging all the tiny tubers. Isn't it funny how things happen? I think your results are beautiful. At least it sounds like they are easy to grow (perhaps I can't kill them ;/). I wasn't aware that the Joe Pye weed and the Jerussalem artichokes were so tall. That fact makes it a bit more alluring for me, since I want part of my garden to act as a privacy screen. Thanks for sharing your information!

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