Purchasers are Wierd!!

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

I make crafts and yesterday started my first day of the summer craft selling. I will be selling down at our ferry terminal for the next 4 months.

I have everything from $3.00 up to $75.00 in value for sale. Yesterday as I said, was my first day, all day long I sold "Hot Bags" and "Microwave Mitts".

Today what did I sell all day but 'critters'!! Like 'Beanie Babies' but mine are filled with flax seeds. I had from little tiny tots to big ungainly youths buying my 'critters'.

The 4 big ungainly youths were bored out of their minds as they had just missed a ferry, and the next ferry was not for 3 hours!! They bough one of my 'critters' - a lovely green frog to use as a 'Hacky Sack'. But before these 4 bought that poor frog they asked me if I would make them a 'Hacky Sack'!!! As I had neither my sewing machine or fabric I said unfortunately NO, then we hit on the brilliant idea of perhaps the frog would do as a 'hacky sack'.

Moral of the storey - you never know what your crafts are going to end up being used for ~!!

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