Flower fert

Dripping Springs, TX

I'm still trying to find a good organic fertilizer for my flowers----Any suggestions?

Comfrey fertilizer has many minerals, potash and phosphorus especially, both of which are good for root, flower and fruit production.

There are several ways of preparing it. Ours is to harvest some comfrey (Symphytum officinale in our case but some say S. x uplandicum 'Bocking 14' is the best to use, horses for courses). Chop up some comfrey (leaves and stems, wear gloves, the plant is hard to hold without them if you have soft hands), you don't need a large amount. Place the chopped comfrey in a bucket and fill up with water. Leave to 'brew' for 2 weeks (4 in cold weather).

You MUST dialute the liquid before using or it will burn the plants, we use 20% comfrey brew and 80% water. You can then use it as monthly fertilizer. If using as a foilar spray then dialute down to about 15% comfrey brew, 85% water.

Some people claim it has insecticidal properties, I'm not sure, I think it's more that the plant has plenty of minerals and nutrients to enable them to fight off pest attack more effectively.

Downsides are, comfrey can become a weed for some people, so if you do get a plant you may need to keep it in a big container. Comfrey brew also stinks so if you do make it, keep it well away from any windows of the house!

Dripping Springs, TX

All my flowers are right out my windows--but I'll risk it. Does it have to be fresh leaves? I don't have any plants.

The smell isn't too bad once the brew is diluted and yes it's preferable to have the comfrey fresh. Maybe one of your neighbours has a plant they would share?

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