Almost ripe!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

The wait is killin' me for these fresh tomatoes. They have been turning red for the last two weeks. Oh, please hurry. I can't wait to sink my teeth into one of them. soon there will be some to share. C'mon over and we'll have tomato sandwiches :)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

GRRRRRRR.....(just kiddin'...I envy you!)

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Can they be sent here without freezing up?
Mouth is watering!

(Zone 6a)

Think I might vacation in Orlando for awhile next month! Do you own a big watch dog? LOL

Wonder what variety those are? Makes no difference though, come to think of it:) If they are vine ripened they gotta be good this time of the year.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm growing Celebrity at the moment. They seem to take the FL cold better than some other varieties. I gave in and picked four tomatoes tonight. They didn't seem to be getting any deeper red, so I figured bringing them in and putting them by the bananas and apples ought to do the trick. Oven-roasted tomatoes anyone? They are really scrumptious--fresh basil, a touch of butter, little salt and pepper. YUMMY! C'mon over. Oh, and watch out for the dog. She doesn't like strangers much--she'll bark and bark.

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