Hardware Error - Contact your vendor

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm dealing with ephemeral and unpredictable hardware failures. They kick me to a blue screen telling me to contact my hardware vendor; it's not the standard Blue Screen Of Death. We thought it was a Windows XP incompatibility with our "new" computer's outdated motherboard, but it's still doing it now that I'm back running Windows 2000. Grrrrr!

I've been logging the errors with the times they occur and what all I had running at the time it happened. So far, I don't see anything in the Event Viewer's error logs that corresponds to the times these things happen.

I *think* it has to do with the sound card. All the times it's happened I've either been listening to streaming media or had my e-mail and Mailwasher running (both of which have an event sound). The thing is, it's not consistent -- Nooo, that would make it too simple! ;)

It could be something to do with the RAM, too; we need to open it up and swap sticks and see if it still happens. It can happen more than once in a day, or not happen for days at a time, though. Blargh!

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