
Byron, IL(Zone 4a)

Need to make a bed on the shady side of our pole barn. Any idea's on what might look real country. On the sunnyside we have hollyhocks, zinnia's and marigolds.Any suggestion's would be appreciated. We are on the border of zones 4/5.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Country? Like a cottage garden? Are you talkin perennials... or some annuals too? I have a shady bed beside my garage. I have hostas, forget-me-nots, lady's mantle, cimicifuga, amsonia, violos, jack-in-the-pulpit, ligularia, chelone, wild ginger, sweet woodruff, astilbes....

Lots of stuff!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Can't any more old fashioned country than, bleeding hearts, columbine, sweet cicely, goats beard, pulmonaria. Impatients, pansies and coleus for annual fill ins.

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