Looking for Norway or Yellow Maples

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love to find someone with some very young Norway or Yellow maples for trade. My sister and I would love to have a couple growing in our yards. I thought I had some coming in a trade but they never showed up and I would love to get some before spring. Small seedlings would do fine as long as we could get a start of them growing in our yards. Please contact me if anyone has some to share and I will be more than happy to find some plants or shrubs that may interest them in trade. Thanks! :)

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Norway maples are very invasive (excessive seeding) and are displacing our native species in wooded areas. They also have a very dense canopy and very invasive roots (similar to silver maple). It would be better to do a little research and find another maple that isn't so problematic.

By "yellow maple" are you referring to Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' - The golden full moon maple? If so, it is unlikely that anyone will have one for trade. This tree is fairly rare, is propagated by grafting, and does not come true from seed. A small tree (6" or less) starts at about $20.00.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Norway maple is the only native one here... I really don't like them much, there are many, much prettier species.

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