Hi again everybody!

(Zone 10)

Happy New Year everybody! I haven't been able to do much here in the past few months. I've been so busy. So, I'm signing up to create a store on this site, so please check it out when it's up. I will let everybody know. Here are a few images from some recent work:

-The first image is a table runner.

Please click the links for other images as I don't think or know how to upload multiple images. The following 5 links are to floorcloths and the last one is a wall hanging. Floorcloths are perfect for people who like more than a rug to decorate their homes as well as it not being condusive to provoking allergies like rugs might. They'll all be available on my Dave's Garden store soon :)


Alot of nice things to see on this site of course! I think it's great.

-enchantedesignr www.enchanted-designs.net

This message was edited Friday, Jan 3rd 1:29 AM

This message was edited Friday, Jan 3rd 1:32 AM

Thumbnail by enchantedesignr
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