Euryops Pectinatus appears to have fungus or mold

Marietta, GA(Zone 7a)

Perhaps what I have is not pectinatus, but I thought it was until I started to research this stuff on the leaves. I don't remember it ever getting soooo grey before, but the pectinatus is also called grey leaf or wooly leaf. Am I getting senile? And if the leaves are supposed to be grey, why does it wipe off so easily? Is it just protecting itself from the extra sun it now receives?(normally it is in partial shade spring to fall since it does not like our afternoon sun)

I have had this Daisy Bush for three years and winter it in my greenhouse. This year it has appeared to develope a light grey to blue dusty film on the leaves. It wipes right off with light pressure on my fingers leaving the leaves their normal shiny green. Is it some kind of fungus or mold and how can I get rid of it without harming the plant.

I had pruned back this bush heavily before moving it indoors and it has developed a lot of tender new growth and looks like it's about to begin blooming again.(it normally blooms all year long, but I whacked it back hard) Anyone got any idea what this stuff is on the leaves?

Sorry I have no picture of it at this time. My camera exploded last time it hit the ground.

This message was edited Monday, Dec 30th 5:04 PM

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