Eastern Pond Hawk

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Dragonfly on a 4 o'clock bud

Thumbnail by Floridian
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Cool shot. We don't live near enough to water to see many dragonflies. And when I do see them at a pond, they never hold still long enough for me to get them. I'm gonna have to try getting pictures again now that I have a decent zoom and can be sneakier, LOL~

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

GW: It's not hard to put in a pond. As soon as you do, they will be everywhere in your yard. I have all different ones in mine since I put a pond in the front yard. Some are quite beautiful. Here's one I managed to snap in front of my pond. I'd never seen them this color before

Thumbnail by ButterflyGardnr
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We have a small pond, just 135 gallon. We don't really seem to get dragonflies, though. The tree roots are just unreal in our yard, so the only way we'll get a bigger pond in is if we bring in soil and do the pond above the ground level. :(

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

GW, I think it's time to start hauling soil! 135 gal is much too small. Think big. Ours is about 800 gal. You need to have some still water for lilies in order to get dragonflies. That's what they like most--still water and lily pads to land on.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL, our whole yard is only 40' wide! ;) If you wanna come up here and haul soil, feel free. I know I'm not up to it, and I doubt Howie will want to (not this year, anyway). I'd love to have a bigger pond, though. Someday!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

BG, tell me about your pond, or better yet, show us a picture! I am going to make one this spring, all by myself so it will be a slow process and I need ideas.

CHINA, MI(Zone 6a)


This message was edited Saturday, Jan 4th 3:49 PM

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

PONDVIEW, would you like a working vacation in FLorida????

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I have two pons connected by a trickle under a bridge. One is about 12ft. by 9 ft, the other is smaller. Right now since it has been freezing at night I have the cattle trough electric heater connected to be sure there is some unfrozen water so there will be oxygen for the goldfish, of which there are 50 or so in the large pond. I loved the pictures of the dragonflies. There are a few around my pools but not as pretty. I have a collection of 10 or so glass dragonflies hanging by fine fishline from the ceiling area out from the window in my living room. rutholive (Donna)

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

I had a gorgeous pond for about thirty years. Then came raccoons and killed all the fish and kept digging it up, devastating it (and me) repeatedly until I gave up and filled it in. Where do racoons come from in a residential neighborhood? I used to think they were so cute :-(

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Bwaaaahahahahahahaha...They've found residential neighborhoods make GREAT digs, Ulrich. Drain systems to use as subways, plentiful goodies pre-packaged in Hefty sacks and trash cans, and tasty koi morsels just ripe for the picking. :S

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Watch this site for a picture of what used to be the pond.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Here it is. The yard is 40 ft wide, the ex-pond is 12.

Thumbnail by Ulrich
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, bummer!! :( With smaller ponds, you can put netting or hardware cloth over them to deter cats, coons and other predators...But that's pretty big for such a precaution. What a shame!

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

You should have seen the water lilies and other plants. There were dragon flies and damsel flies of many different colors.
I was considering a wire mesh enclosure, but that would have had to be rather elaborate and not looked natural.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

True :( Maybe the black bird netting would be sufficient? I don't know if raccoons will cease trying after being thwarted a few times, though.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

A raccoon killed the pet guinea pig of a neighbor's little daughter. He "thwarted" it on a later visit with his shotgun. That did not didcourage its relatives from raiding my pond at all. I was tempted to get a shotgun also.

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