Happy Birthday Southmede

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Have a great day :-)
Do you tend to get your birthday and christmas presents combined? It must have seemed like waiting forever for both to come around when you were a child......

Toasting you in sloe vodka, hope you have plenty of sloe gin left to raise a glass as well ;)

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Thank you so much, it was bad whe I was a child but now I make a point of going to have a nice dinner and today we are going to see Lord of the Rings just to make the day special. I raise a glass of sloe gin to you and all my gardening friends. Well later in the day I will.

This message was edited Saturday, Dec 28th 3:52 AM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, the sun isn't over the yard arm yet ;)

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers is brilliant. I'm going to see it again tomorrow.

The making of the movie was on TV yesterday. I didnt know they shot the 3 films back to back over 16 months.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

what is crazy is the wizard will be in the new movie next Christmas and be a wizard in Harry Potter at the same time.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

A magical being obviously, if he's mastered the art of being in two very different places at once LOL

Happy Birthday Southmede!

Have a great day.
(I know what you mean about the waiting)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

When's yours then Baa. I'm lucky - mine's half way :) But it still seems forever as a child. Things are really starting to speed up now though LOL. Last Christmas only seems a blink away :(

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

happy birthday!

I know someone who has a birthday on Christmas Day. She says she always felt she lost out.

It's one day, in some month somwhere in the year Philomel :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)


Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Thank you all,
of course it's being born around Christmas that I was named Carol............... Some of Harry Potter film was filmed at Alnwick which is where I work it is about 7 miles north of here. Hogwarts school the outside anyway is alnwick castle. The film crew just took over alnwick for a while. Lord of the Rings was filmed in New zealnad, a place I would love to go someday

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