Monarch Emerged!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Sunday afternoon (12-22) I was worried at how dark the pupa had become. I got it from a friend that was pruning plants at her nursery. She saved it for me...just in case I came by! I finally hung it on a Hibiscus cutting right after this picture. If you look closely you can see the Monarch wings thru the pupa

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Here it is on the Hibiscus cutting, the wing clearly visible.

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

30 minutes later...a Monarch! We were thrilled!

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

One more picture

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We left the butterfly alone after seemed to be bothered by the lights. Shortly after dinner it made it's maiden flight across the kitchen and I turned it loose. What a neat thing to see!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

OH wow, how exciting! IT is absolutely amazing, isn't it? I mean everytime. Great photos. I want to see mine do that. How about coming up here and photographing mine?
BTW, what will you do with all your pictures? You have them posted on the internet, don't you? Do you ever print them out, frame them or do stuff with them?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, I agree, it's absolutely amazing - every time! Thanks for sharing! I'm pretending it is spring and that I don't have a cold, and your photos are doing a great job helping me enjoy an alternate reality!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I wish I could come up and take pics! One of these days...Spring isn't all that far away
Thanks kmom, sorry you have a cold. Hope you feel better soon.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

You can! Ya'll are welcome anytime. Buster too!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I took new pictures just for you...Here's a couple of them.

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

And a close up...I had a squeaky in my pocket and every time he started to walk away I squeezed it...LOL

Thumbnail by Floridian
Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh, what a face, he loves his sqeaky! Got some legs on him, too!
Thanks for the pics.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

That's exactly how it happens. The pupa turns very dark and when you can see the markings of the wings, you know it will hatch very soon. I have to work on scanning more pictures. I have a great picture I took of one in my yard which I titled "Just Hatched," that I framed and hung in my bedroom. I never tire of watching natures miracles!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

I am watching mine closely and just hope I don't get dingie headed and miss it!
Would love to see some of your pics BG.
Kmom, you feeling better yet?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm working on it weeds. I have to find the prints so I can scan them in. The one I mentioned I think I took in 2000. I'm still working on 2001 pix. Right now I'm trying to catch up on everything after being on vacation for 10 days and sick for 2. Still recovering from flu that was gifted over Christmas vacation.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Where the heck did you have to go to get sick?

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Lots of that ugly flu going around and it's so weird...a client of mine said her daughter ended up in the ER overnight but neither she nor her grandchildren got it...the ER staff was calling it the 'cruise flu'!
Glad to hear you're on the mend...we're waiting patiently for pictures!! LOL
Weeds, I used to use Webshots but gave that up as they keep changing the rules. I still have a full load of old albums there though. I'll send you the link if you want to see them. I sometimes go back and look at how far I've come again in the past year! My office walls are also partially covered with pictures. I stick them on the wall with UHU tac adhesive expensive to frame them, not to mention holes in the walls that the boss says doesn't matter. I'm always amazed that people will walk into my office and seem to never even notice...others walk in and spot the new ones right away! How's Meg doing?? Is she feeling any better?

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Yes, please put the URL here. You must have a nice boss! Megster is OK, just so very old.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Weeds, I was in WI over Christmas. I think I caught the flu from my brother's kids. They were all sick. I'm feeling much better today. I think I slept it off. It wasn't the Norwalk virus (no diarrhea or vomiting) that's been going around on the cruise ships. Looks to be a cold one tonight.

I haven't seen many butterflies about lately. They are probably all down in Key West trying to stay warm! Many of my flowers are dormant. I have a purple lantana, spiderwort, lion's ear, milkweed, spanish needle, and some really pathetic looking pentas in bloom. Not much for the b'flies to nectar on I'm afraid. It's been cold enough that many plants are now dormant. I hope my tomatoes don't get zapped over the next couple of days. It's supposed to drop to mid-30s the next couple of nights. My tomatoes are almost big enough to start ripening. One has a slight blush to it...oh, please don't freeze on me now!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Oh, I hope not, I don't think it will, only supposed to be 31 or so here and you are souther? than me! You might have to resort to fried green tomatoes!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Great pictures of Buster. I have an old toy's squeaker in my coat pocket, too. :) I put it in there after extracting it from a particularly pitiful dog toy destined for the garbage, and it's just stayed there.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

weeds: Tomatoes are still alive. I draped Christmas lights over them and then a blanket. I want ripe, red tomatoes (don't know how to make fried green tomatoes even if I wanted to). Temps are supposed to drop again into the mid-30s in a day or two. BRRRRRR! This is not typical FL weather--who sent this down here anyway???

Boy has Buster grown!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

I think CC did after her near death experience driving in that SNOW and ice.

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Flo ridian,

You are so ENTITLED to be thrilled.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Just looking at the progression
thru your foto

s made me feel even
closer to God - it's that Miracle
of Life !

I am so glad I joined, it was
with trepidation, since I try not
to pay for things on the net...
but THIS is WORTH it!

Hugs, Lavanda

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Lavanda! That's exactly how I feel when I look through my camera!
You'll love Dave's Garden. We learn so much, have such fun, share neat things and make good friends. What more could you ask of a website??!! So, welcome and have a great time!

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