Hello to all of you

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

well, I think I'm really the novice here. Love day lillies and being an avid birder I would welcome any advice on how to get a nice garden going for hummers, butterflys and so on... I'm a friend of Ruby42. Any advice is more than welcome. Now I can't wait for spring!!!!

Welcome to DG! Have you been to the Butterflies and Hummers forum? Sounds like it would be right up your alley.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I'd be happy to tell you what's worked for me to attract b-flies in FL but it may not work where you are. So where are you located and/or what zone are you in? Two great b-fly nectar plants here are pentas (especially the red ones) and red porterweed (brain is blank on latin name at the moment, genus name starts with an S and species is something like jamaicensis). Lantana is good, but check on the genus and species of Lantana and it's status before you plant it--L. camara is considered a Category I (the worst kind) exotic invasive in FL so I won't plant it. To attract the greatest number of b-flies, you want to have both larval foods for the caterpillars and nectar foods for the butterflies. Make sure you don't use any pesticides in the area around your b-fly garden. I can't help much with hummers. I've tried feeders and flowers they supposedly love, but still haven't seen a one! I know they're around, just not at my place.

Crossville, TN

'Shoe sent me some Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) and the Butterflies and Hummers LOVED it. And it bloomed for the longest time. Jo

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Welcome '76 :) Any friend of Ruby has to be very very welcome. When you get a chance, go check out the forum on Butterflies and Wild Life and Birds and.... Lots and lots of goodies in the threads.

I have been getting rufous hummingbirds the last two winters (in the midwest!!!) and am just starting to learn how to get shelter and food for them during the lean times.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

When I saw you lived in Cape May Courthouse, I figured you had to know Sue, LOL. You've passed our litmus test. ;) Glad to meet you - just saw your post in the pets forum and thought I'd see if you were in the Welcome Mat forum...And here you be! My hubby and I have three dogs (2 mutts and a stray beagle we took in) and two cats (1 mutt-cat and 1 Siamese). Lots of fur. More fur than plants, usually! ;)

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hello to all of you!!
Having a terrible time. Dislike being the newbie on the block.

It's going to take me forever to find what I'm looking for!

I'm searching for a site put out by "gingerlily on"seed germination" HELP!!!!

To all of you who know Ruby42. I'll say heelo for you as I'll see her tomorrow.. I'm also giving her an orchid plant that I'm killing. she can mother it! Think my cats played with it! everything is fair game to them.

All of you have a merry Christmas. I'll have a hard time finding this site again sooo, if you don't hear frm me e-mail me as to how to get back!!!!! Forgive my errors ... this new keyboard should be put up for 2 stamps and an envelope!

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)


You get hummers in the winter? Wow that's one for my birding friends if I'm reading correctly, am I?

I'm one of those that go out in the woods and only find Tick's! Kidding I'm an avid birder.

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hello garden wife.
I had a siam. cat for a long time. she was a great cat. We called her "Pita" it's easy to figure the name out. Had a dear friend that lived in Beach city ohio.
I went to Toledo to breed a Boxer. Loved it so much we stayed one week with our breeder friend. Take good care of your four footed family. Our little critters are wonderful, aren't they? unconditional love!

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

To all of you.
If I can't find my way back!
I'd like to wish all of you and yours a very "Merry Christmas"

From me sandy and my four footer family,
Arnold, my dog,
Tabby Sun, my cat
Wellington, another new cat and a joy to be owned by!

Sandy -- go to any thread where Gingerlily has posted and click on that name in the box to the left of the post (where it says "Gingerlily," the zone info and the date/time of the post). Clicking on "Gingerlily" will take you to Gingerlily's homepage.

At the top of Gingerlily's homepage, you will find a link that says "View the threads Gingerlily has started." Click on that link. A page will appear that lists all of Gingerlily's threads. (I looked for one on seed propagation, but couldn't find one that seemed to be the one you were looking for. Are you sure that Gingerlily actually started that thread, or was it started by someone else and Gingerlily simply posted on it?)

You can't lose your way back to any thread or forum if you click on the phrase "Watch Thread," which is a link found directly beneath the title of every thread in any forum. By clicking on "Watch Thread," you are telling Dave to always let you know when there is a new post on that particular thread; notification will appear on your Dave's Garden main screen (the one that appears every time you click on the DG logo, or on the word "Home" in your menu on the right-hand side of the page).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

Thank you whiterose for the information.
I think painted lady posted it.
I'm finding my way around but, your advice has helped me a lot.
Walk In Peace,
All Of you,

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Welcome to DG, Summerwind - take heart; pretty soon you'll find yourself roaming around here without any need for signposts. If you can't find what you're looking for, post a plea for help. You'll find the most people in one of the following forums: Dave's Garden, Garden Talk or General Discussion (of course, there's a lot of conversation in the Brugs forum, too - but it's pretty specific to one type of plant :)

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