I'm hooked!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I thought that I'd stop by here and say hi. I'm pretty new to DG (stumbled upon this website about 2 weeks ago) and I already love it. Before I forget, I'm down here in "the swamp" (aka Florida). I love nature. Birdwatching, preserving and restoring native plants/habitat, and gardening (but especially butterfly gardening) are among my favorite pastimes.

Lots of great information, beautiful pictures, friendly people here. I have to stop by every day to see what's new. Dare I say I'm addicted? I think we need to start a new forum for Dave's Garden-aholics! And I can't wait to get into the seed and plant trading.

Welcome, Butterflygardner! I'm addicted, too -- but as my DH points out, DG is a wholesome addiction to have! People here are wonderful. There is quite a large group of DG's in Florida, too.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Welcome from a colder place-MICHIGAN- where the temp was a mere 5degrees at sunrise! Davesgarden addicting-nah im not addicted!
I can quit whenever i want-LOL-i just dont want to!
Ive been here almost from the start of davesgarden and I LUV it,so many friends and plants!
We are glad to have you and all our new members!
pull up a chair and grab a coffee and have some fun!

Old Town (Gainesvill, FL(Zone 8a)

I'm a newbie too and also from FL althought not as far south as you are! I am in the gainesville area. I love this place too and am already addicted!!! Luckily I made a store for work on here so now I have a reason to come on and play around at work ahhahaha


Welcome, Plantsdirect/Katrina! Yeah, with a DG store to work on, your addiction could get really heavy-duty, lol. Have fun!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey ButterflyGardnr, glad to have you here!! Addictive as your morning caffiene!!


Thumbnail by eyesoftexas
Crossville, TN

Welcome to the nicest site on the web to both of you from a former Floridian.....I lived in Lakeland and Homosassa...moved to Arizona a little over 2 years ago...you are going to love it here....try to meet as many of our DG's as you can....I may even be there for the month of Februsry! Jo

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hello from Oregon. You're gonna love it here, oh you already said that. Join right in.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, everyone! Since I am currently unemployed, I've been spending most of my days here at DG. Know anyone in Orlando hiring Contracts Managers??? Can't say I'm bored what with DG to surf all day, and all night :) The bonus: can't get in trouble for surfing when I'm supposed to be working. LOL!

Old Town (Gainesvill, FL(Zone 8a)

I need a plants salesperson here in gainesville hahah :)


Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Katrina: If you were closer, I'd love to help...I worked at a greenhouse up in WI for two summers when I was in college. Loved it. The greenhouse manager hired me without any experience. I was the first girl to work in the back and only the second person he'd ever trusted to mix the fertilizers. I hauled 50 lb. bags of soil around just like the men, except I had to do it one bag at a time vice their two. Still bear the scar from cleaning window panes we'd removed from the back greenhouse--one slipped and sliced my thumb open. I didn't break the window pane, though :) I also remember the pointsettia cuttings. Had to sterilize everything, soak and set out the little Oasis foam cubes, then stick the cuttings into them. Every hour we'd have to go spray the cuttings and after a week or so pull out the dead and rotting ones so they didn't contaminate the healthy cuttings. It was quite a tedious chore. Oh, the memories...

Old Town (Gainesvill, FL(Zone 8a)

Wow could use some experience round here!!! It seems nooone around here has any experience at all. All we've gotten lately are a buncha wierdo's and we even put experienced only in our newspaper ad!!! UGH... I just need someone to train by spring so gotta hire someone now!!! SOOO if ya'll know anyone in gaiensville area with experience send em my way!


Orlando, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Butterfly! I'm also in Orlando. It's good to see you here!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi, Hunter_X. Hey, if we're both in Orlando, how come you're in Zone 9A and I'm in Zone 9B? I thought all of Orlando was in Zone 9B or did I mess up? I know Orange county is pretty much all in 9B. The lines make a funky curve around here...

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