Carolina Sphynx moth

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I have Tomato Hornworms (Carolina Sphynx Moth) all over my tomato plants. I brought one in the house to pupate. He buried himself in the soil in his jar on Thanksgiving day. His friends are still out in the yard. Here's a mug shot if you care to check it out:

They have a fascinating life cycle!

Temecula, CA(Zone 9a)

Sounds great Butterflygdnr! We have those out here as well...I saw a huge last instar larva about a month or so ago on a jimsonweed (Datura wrightii). Do these guys ever go after the Brugmansia?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Guy: I don't have any brugs (aka Angel Trumpts?) in my yard. I think the lady behind us has one by the fence between our yards. Haven't seen anything feed on hers. Minimal chemicals allowed in my yard, so they all come here to feed. I dust Bacillus thuringensis on the veggie garden to keep cats away from those. Cats and butterflies have their own "buffet" in the front yard.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

It's been twelve days so far and no sign of my Sphynx moth yet. I think last time I did this it took about 14-16 days. Should be pretty soon. I'll post the picture I took of the last one I raised if I can find it again.

Ellabell, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes they will eat Brugmansia too. I only had one incident of it though compared to many on my tomatos.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Still waiting for this Sphynx to hatch out. Now I remember why I thought the pupa was took half of eternity to hatch! It'd better hatch soon, or it's going to go outside to freeze it's little butt while it's waiting to hatch. I've got one day left before he's on his own outside...

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Ok, I broke down and didn't stick it outside. It hatched the day after Christmas and our petsitter had to let it out (she's a vet tech, so I figured she could handle a little, make that BIG moth). 31 days that little bugger hung out in its pupa in the jar. Wonder if it got jarsores? (giggle) At any rate, it's out making trouble in the yard now. Better not eat all my tomato plants. I'm just starting to get tomatoes on it :) I can already taste those oven-roasted tomatoes with fresh basil. Here I go on food again. It's not like I"m starvin either!

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