Dairy cow questions should she be dried up before calving?

Spicewood, TX(Zone 8b)

The day before Halloween, our little Hereford cow calved and rejected it. We got her back from the vet and Belle, our Jersey, took her in as her own, protecting her and sleeping with her, doing everything a mother would do except letting her nurse consistently. We've been feeding the calf on a bottle as Belle is dry and has been for atleast six months ~ I do get some milk out of her when I try to milk a teat, but I think it would be only a couple cups if I really tried all around. I have seen the calf nurse four or five times, but Belle kicks her off more times than not. The vet said the calf nursing should bring Belle's milk in, but it hasn't happened yet. Belle may be bred, possibly as much as six months, but I really think less than that.

Here are my questions: Should I leave well enough alone? Does Belle need to be dried up before the new calf is born and for how long before? If it's about two months, then I won't try to encourage the calf to nurse or do anything else to bring her milk in.

But, if it's alright for her to be milked right through the birth, how do I bring her milk in now ~ just going through all the motions of milking regardless of how much milk I get? In this case, is there anything else I need to be feeding Belle so the milk production doesn't take nutrients away from the developing calf? And is there anything extra I need to do for Belle's calf when it's born? Will Belle still make colostrum, or will I need to get some for the new calf? If she won't produce her own, something tells me that's not the best for the calf, even if I can get some from somewhere else ~ true? If so, I think I'll leave well enough alone and just wait.

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