Dried Gourds from IN (dollar per gourd)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,

I finally got through the 55 gallon bag that I purchased. There were 34 gourds in the bag. I picked out the ones that had cracks and/or holes and that left us with 27 viable gourds. I've taken 7 for myself and I have pictures here of the remaining 20 gourds.

Since the bag was $25.00, I think it's fair to price the gourds at $1.00 a piece.

BUT, the pricey part is shipping. It really doesn't make sense to send just one gourd although I will if that's all you want. Shipping 2 to 4 gourds per box seems to be the most affordable way to go. The prices for shipping this way range from about $6.00 to $9.00 depending upon the weight, box size, etc...

Here's the first picture of the first 4 gourds. I'll post each picture of the other gourds in order. They are grouped in 4 per picture and I've labeled them G1 through G20. So, if it's hard to decipher the pink sticky, you can probably figure it out by counting.

This message was edited Wednesday, Nov 13th 5:07 PM

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Gourds G5 through G8...

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Gourds G9 through G12...

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Gourds G13 through G16...

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Gourds G17 through G20...

Thumbnail by Morph
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Morph, those are great pictures. I would like 7 gourds also, but I also don't want to be greedy. So if you have any left overs I will take them off your hands. And what about those cracked ones...can I save any of those or are they bad or rooten? Any way I am just starting on this...I have never done this before so I will just take the last 7 that no one wants. That way the good ones can go to the experts. Thanks for doing this co-op!!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

You've got mail

(Zone 5a)

You've got mail.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Vredfish, three of the bad ones are really bad but the others really aren't too bad. They have small cracks and mostly some small holes that look like a small bug may have started to chew into them.

Your idea is perfect as I think most of the others have been adopted.

I'll be in touch soon :)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi All,

Boy, what a slew of emails in such a short amount of time! There were overlaps in what each of you wanted. I thought it might be fair to distribute based on who contacted me first. If I approach it this way, the allocation of the gourd thus far would be as follows:

IRIS = G2, G9, G16 & G19
RR = G13, G14, & G15
Wind = G1, G4, G5, G6 & G11

Does this seem fair to y'all? This should be a good number for each of you for shipping with regard to shipping costs. Wind, I may need to send two boxes for you ~ not sure yet. If you are agreeable or want to change requests, these are the only gourds requested thus far.

Vredfish did have an interest in the slightly cracked and/or gourds with small holes. See my post just above this regarding those gourds.

Let me know what you think and if you want to change, add or subtract from what I've detailed above. I tried to be fair since there was obviously more interest in specific gourds more than others.

Crossville, TN

I have a gourd book that tells you how to repair cracks and holes in your gourds...like repairng cracks in plaster. Jo

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Jo, which book is that? I've got the original one we talked about, Gourds in your Garden, I think.

Are you okay with the gourds I've got allocated for you?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Iris has also requested G7 & G18.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Morph, I do want the "not so good ones". Just let me know how many.
Roadrunner, does your book say you can use wood filler or spackle on the gourds?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

They are reserved for you, Vredfish. I'll package them up & let you know how many boxes if more than one.

(Zone 5a)

Morph if you have any left that you don't want to keep please let me know. I don't care if they have holes or cracked I can still work with them, thanks.

This message was edited Friday, Nov 29th 11:36 PM

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Will do, Wind. Got your email, too. I'll let you know after I get the gourds into their new owners boxes. Need to go find lots more newspaper...

(Zone 5a)

Ok, thanks.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Okay, I've got both Iris and Roadrunner's gourds in the mail today.

Wind, your box is all ready to rumble. I just need your addy :)

Vred, the shipping is about $10.00 per box. Do you want to send me a check for either a single box or for two boxes? I'll fit as many as I can into whatever you decide. It's been about four gourds per box depending.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

So, I get to be greedy now!!! I'll take 2 boxes...check ($20) is in the mail box for tomorrows pickup! Thanks Morph, for everything!!!

I guess you don't have any more? I would of love some too but I am to late,:o(

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Brim, I have one remaining, G8. After I pack up Vred's two boxes, I may have one or two left that are the ones with small cracks or holes. I won't know for a few days. If I have any left after I pack up Vred's boxes, I'll let you know. Shipping is anywhere from $7 to $10 per box depending on the size sent. I can sent you G8 alone, but it might make more sense to see if I can fit in any possible left overs after I package up Vred's.

Also, I have Wind's box ready to ship, but I haven't heard from her. I need her addy & $$$. Are you around, Wind? I sent her an email, too. If she's changed her mind, I'd have those available, too.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh Morph, if Brim needs a few she can have a few of mine!

Crossville, TN

Morph...Got my box today! Very nice...I will send you the check the first of the week, as I won't be going out tomorrow. Thanks loads! Jo

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Vred & Wind,

You should be getting your boxes today (I hope!). If they arrive and you've any free time with the holidays & all, LMK, 'kay?

Vred, I'll send you a check back for the remaining amount.

Happy Holidays :)

Crossville, TN

Morph..."the check is in the mail"!! LOL Jo

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Morph, you have mail

(Zone 5a)

For all that still want gourds and want a good price then check out this link. http://davesgarden.com/t/367393/
Once your there send them a letter asking if they have any other gourd sales and they will give you a good price.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Wind!! I remember seeing your other post, but I just didn't have time to spend on the site you referred. I'm so glad you reposted as a reminder :) BTW, I have the small, ornamental gourds already dried. I could sent you those to paint as I think you said you only had a few. What do you think? Is there enough time to pursue this before the holidays?

(Zone 5a)

Morph I am not sure that I could do them and get them to you in time for this Christmas. I am working on a teepee for my neighbor and trying to clean the gourds you sent me plus I will be getting the other gourds I ordered. I sorry I didn't get the chance to email you but I have been so busy, yesterday was my daughter's birthday and of course I had to go to dinner with her and my grand rug rats.
I have had a few people that has seen the gourds that I have painted and now they are placing orders. If I had known that you wanted them earlier I would have been able to get them to you.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, I know it was a short timing especially with the short amount of time remaining until the holidays. I should have planned better. Thanks for letting me know, though. If I don't have the time to do it myself, I'd like to perhaps arrange with plenty of lead time for next year. That is if you are still intereste.

Have a happy! Did your gourds arrive yet?

(Zone 5a)

Oh yes they did arrive and thank you, this is the first time I have worked with these shapes. I have a small yard I can only grow one big gourd and one small one so these are going to be fun to work with. I have so many ideas but I am trying not to spend anymore money on things to decorate them with so I am trying to come up with ideas to use what I already have....it isn't easy.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, between you & Iris, you both seem to always have great ideas! Maybe you two should have a brainstorming thread :) Glad the gourds made it safely!!

(Zone 5a)

Morph I am starting to run out of ideas that I don't have to put more money into. Lord knows I seem to be stuck on one theme. I don't want to do any Christmas suff right now, I would like to work on things that people can use all year around. IRIS I NEED YOUR HELP AND SOME NEW IDEAS. Lordy I know that she is so busy doing her own gourds that she won't even see this lol.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I seen this this morning, But, I didn't have time to answere because I had to get ready to go for treatment, But, I did send you mail as you know.

(Zone 5a)

((((GIANT HUGS WITH Christmas CHEER ADDED)))) I did receive your enails and thank you so much. I really love your kitties, but of course you knew I would. I think you should post your gourd art here so we all can enjoy them. I do remember seeing your flower gourds here but don't know if you posted your kitties, whenever you get the time and are feeling better.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Your Very Welcome Wind! And TY for the hugs and cheers!
I'm going to post some when I can get some finished ( Quick on the start, But slow on the finish! LOL!) I'd like to get at least 10 done and then post some pics .... Good Luck with yours - Hope to get to see some more pics soon ~ You do really nice art! If I can be of anymore help LMK ...Hugs and cheers back at you! ~Iris

(Zone 5a)

I received your pictures thank you so much, they are so cute. It is hard trying to decide which one to do first, I am also thinking about doing one of my brat cats.

Sorry for not getting back to you! I had a lot of health problems with my Mother. Maybe if you get some seeds or more gourds I could use later on.
Thanks so much for your time

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Sorry to hear about your mother's health problems :( I will add her to my prayers.

We are thinking of doing a gourd seed exchange, but gourds from 2002 harvest are still drying now. I'm hoping to start a seed exchange in late February. Keep an eye on the gourd forum for updates :)

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