EURR Need Help Please

Hi All

I've hit a problem here. I still can't get in contact with Arsenic and I recall a rather large trade I did last year with someone living in Norway where I had to send it in 2 envelopes because the trader stated that you can only send 25 packets of seed into Norway in one envelope. I've looked through the Norwegian equivalent of DEFRA and they do have some different rules but could find very little on restricted/prohibited plants and seed imports.

Does anyone have a link to this or some knowledge of it? I don't want to leave Arsenic out of the RR but neither do I want Evert and Deblynn to get into trouble. I can easily send on separate envelopes to Arsenic after this round of the RR. If he's travelling/very busy anyway this might be the best way around the problem.

Any thoughts?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Well, I've never heard of any restrictions for Norway, but Norway doesn't belong to EU so... Finland does and we have onyl a few restrictions and they say about nothing of seeds. So no problems here. I will check the Finland Post site if it says anything or could ask our customs.

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