San Francisco Bay Area Tomatoes

Albany, CA(Zone 10)

Any advice on which varieties grow well in our unique cool climate?

Albany, CA(Zone 10)

OK... Looks like I am going to have to do some experimentation...

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

HAH!...Glad you brought this back to the top, Phred.
I'd suggest maybe some short maturing varieties (Early Girl, Johnny's 361) or some more cold-tolerant varieties (Oregon Spring, Caspian Pink, and any of the "Siberian" varieties).

Also, if you start your own plants from seed, be sure to keep them a bit on the cool side at nite when they are just coming up to encourage early flower/fruit production.

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Check Sunset Magazine for West Coast choices. I planted Sun Gold, Brandywine and Stupice. Had a real good season. In fact I am still harvesting. This picture was taken today and there are currently blossoms here is Fremont (South San Francisco Bay), CA.

Thumbnail by PotEmUp
Albany, CA(Zone 10)

Thanks George and Horseshoe. I have been rummaging web-sites and catalogues, and I am going to be trialing a number of the "cool" tomatoes suggested.

Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

George, I couldn't help but notice the "4tax" on the end of your name. Are you a CPA?


Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Phred, I found this for you. It talks about tomatoes grown successfully in your area. Hope it helps. It's in pdf format.


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