Tatiana Joke

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Tatiana goes to a psychic to contact her dear departed grandmother. The psychic's eyelids flutter, her hands float above the table and she begins moaning. Soon a voice emanates from the psychic saying, "Granddaughter, are you there?"

Wide-eyed Tatiana responds, "Grandmother? Is that you?"

"Yes, Granddaughter, it's me."

"It's really, really you, Grandmother?" Tatiana repeats.

"Yes, my dear, it's really me."

Tatiana looks puzzled, "You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure it's me."

Tatiana pauses. "Grandmother, I have just one question."

"Anything, my child."

"When did you learn to speak English?"


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