Opium Poppy 'Lauren's Grape' (Papaver sominferum)

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Common name: Opium Poppy 'Lauren's Grape'
Family: Papaveraceae
Genus: Papaver
Species sominferum

Plant Link: http://plantsdatabase.com/go/51742/

Thumbnail by poppysue
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Aren't these wonderful, PoppySue. Mine were great performers, lots of side blooms and they bloomed over a long period. They are definitely on my list for next summer. I collected lots of seeds, but I don't know what I'll get next year. I may buy more seeds to be sure of getting the real thing again. Your blooms look lighter than mine. Do you think it's the lighting, or the differences in our climates or soil?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Where did you purchase the seeds, you two........please..this one is a must have!!!!!! Elaine

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Elaine: You might try Select Seeds. That's where I got mine, I think. There sold out early last season. I checked their site, and I think they haven't set up the 2003 catalog yet. I have some seed, but I can't say whether it will be true to the mother plant. They certainly are beautiful, aren't they?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Weez - I think it's probably a lighting & camera difference in the color. I got mine from the Seed Savers Flower and Herb Exchange. I don't have a ton but I have some I'm willing to share.

I really think I prefer the single somniferum poppies - rather than the doubles lately. The doubles are so heavy they tend to bend the stems and flop more.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I love them all, PoppySue! Oddly, the peony poppies seem more available. I noticed that T&M will not sell somniferums in the US, but the peony varieties are allowed. Perhaps they have a lower opium content. Quite often, when I used collected seed from the peony types, I get single poppies, but that is fine with me. The only one I know hat consistantly comes back fully doubled is the Antique Flemish.

I have collected seed, and I think it is early enough to order more before it's sold out, so don't worry about sending any Lauren's Grape. If the growers' plants did as well as mine, there should be lots of seeds for sale!

Monticello 4, IA(Zone 4a)

Hi Ladies! I just received my Lauren's Grape poppy seeds and was wondering how best to sow these in my z4 garden. I've heard that I should braodcast them now but the coke can method has me intrigued. What do you think?



Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Best ask Poppysue, Mindy. I start mine indoors in the spring, transplant them, then set them out. Our season is quite short. Direct sowing may be just fine where you are.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)


I plant them in the spring. I haven't had very good luck with fall planting. The ones growing re-seed like gangbusters but if I plant them in fall... I seem to get lousy germination. Not sure why. I plant early in spring while the ground is still cold... before our last frost. Usually in April, as soon as I can get out there and clear a spot for them. I just prepare the ground and sprinkle the seed on top of the soil, tamp them in good, and let mother nature do the rest. If it's early enough the ground is still moist and there's enough spring rain so I don't even bother watering...

I will also do like Weezingreens does, and plant some seeds in flats. I use individual cell-packs to minimize and root disturbance when they're transplanted. As long as I don't plant them too early and get them transplanted quickly in spring they're fine. They don't like to grow in the flats for too long or they'll become stunted...

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Right you are, Poppysue. I knew you'd show up to help! In areas where you don't have to start things so early, my way is probably pretty labor intensive. I, too, have had some volunteers, but they stay quite small and bloom just before the end of the season.

I've always had good luck with transplanting somniferums... except for the Hen & Chickens, and some of the feathered types. Those are trickier for some reason. I plant them in seed trays that are about 3" deep so the tap roots don't get messed up, I use a fine sterile mix, and I let them dry a bit before I worry them out.

On another post recently, someone suggested that spreading seeds on the snow rather than the ground works well. I have thought of trying that. It is most likely what happens in nature, as the pods would get buffeted and spill seed over the winter months.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Wonderful color on this poppy, Sue. I basically have the peony poppies so far. I love them, but I don't think my purple one is nearly as dark as your single is. Gorgeous.

College Station, TX

Select Seeds is sold out. Does anyone have a few extra they would be willing to share with me?

Cumberland, MD(Zone 6b)

Same thing I found. Select Seeds looks just like your's Poppy, but the Annie's look altogether different. Select Seeds is sold out and I would really like to procure seed for this fall. Any seeds to spare anyone?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Gie, I have seeds I collected from my plant, if you'd like to trade or do an SASE. If so, click on my name and D-mail me.

Cumberland, MD(Zone 6b)

I sent you a D-mail Weez. Thanx so much!

Rochester, MN

What is the name of the lily in the photo? It looks so nice with the poppy.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, tmak. This is a pretty old thread, so I don't know if you'll get an answer to your question. I just happened to be 'watching' this one, as I posted on it years ago. They are definitely daylilies, but I don't know the cultivar. They are lovely.

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