House Gekko

Tokyo, Japan

This little critter seems to have decided to be this year's Winter House Gekko. House Spiders beware!

This message was edited Saturday, Nov 9th 5:09 PM

Tokyo, Japan

Oops - keep forgetting you can't post .pict files. Here we are:

Thumbnail by Lophophora
Tokyo, Japan

Doing some eye-washing...

Thumbnail by Lophophora
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

He's just a peanut! Okay - I'll bite... wot-the-heck is eye-washing? It looks kinda nasty!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

They don't have eyelids, they wash their eyes with their tongues. He's so cute!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What a lovely little beast!
He doesn't look big enough to tackle my house spiders LOL

Tokyo, Japan

phi- not yet, but i's 'ouse spiders wot make 'im a big'un 'ventually.

poppysue - nothing nasty about it. H. sapiens lick their lips, canines and felines lick their, umm - furs...

Well, frogs, snakes and lizards lick their eyes. Efficient, assuming you've got the tongue...

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL Loph............spose we all have tongues suited to...
hmmm, can't think how to phrase this in a way that won't need editing out ;)

Tokyo, Japan


Yeah, let's drop the whole subject. Gekko territorial calls anyone?...

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Grrrr Gk Gk Gk
No sorry, pathetic, you're turn Lo........

Tokyo, Japan

rooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!GKK! GKK! GGk! Gkk Gkk gkk gk gk.. gk... gk.... gk. . . . gk. . . . . gk. . . . . . . . gk. . . . . . . . . gk. . . . . . . . . . (grwwwwwww..............)

My favorite one - from Ambon. Seventy centimeters long, bejeweled like a Gila monster, but shy and harmless (except to house spiders et al....)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds lovely (except to house spiders et al....)

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Neat pictures! I'm always thrilled to see Geckos around our house, they're always outside though, never inside. Boy, are they fast. A blink and they're gone.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

So cute and never see that one color so here has tan with black spots, oh yes it run so fast and disappear!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Neat! I need to look in this forum more often! I love lizards of all sorts - too bad we live in a cooler climate.

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Boy he's a tiny little critter isn't he & he is cute. I have never seen a gekko. You won't see one around here that's for sure. Way too cold.

Tokyo, Japan

Flor -
I wasn't aware of American gekkos - none at least in San Diego that I ever caught (and believe me, when I was a kid practically every western reptile *somehow* found its way into the house...) I'd love to see some pictures if you can ever get them - do they go torpid in the winter months there too?

REDROSE - sounds cute! Pictures???

gardenwife -
Don't be sad - you've got skinks - my dream lizards as a kid (and darn hard to catch!!!)

broots - here's a few pics as a sop:

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

OMG Loph, I can't believe the price of some of those critters. Unbelievable. Are these always kept in terrariums/aquariums? I'm asking because your first post is labelled as 'Winter House Gekko' & was wondering if they do have the run of the house, how do they manage with dogs & cats? Bear with me as I am pretty ignorant as far as these little guys go.

Tokyo, Japan

broots -
As for the commercially available geckos, I've no idea. I have some small ethical problems with exotic creatures in cages. I just posted those pictures because they were the first on a google search.

My "House Geckos" are like Floridian and Redrose's: the adults are quick enough (and smart enough) to avoid getting trapped indoors, but ever so often a first grader will find its way inside during the autumn. I used to put them outside, until I found a frozen one in the same place the next day. Nowadays, I give them every opportunity to get some fresh air, but leave them alone should they decide to stay. Same with my house spiders.

As for prices, I was about to sneer in disgust at blithering idiots who morgage the house for some tropical fancy they haven't the knowledge or facilities to properly care for, until I remembered how much I've spent for certain *choice* orchids....

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Here is show you a picture of Gecko and the little one not see around here yet when I see it will take photo the baby one to show you. =)

Thumbnail by REDROSE
Tokyo, Japan

Redrose -
That's a beautiful critter!!
But it's surely not a native American gecko, is it??? If so, they sure come big in New Iberia...!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

^ Bump. More gecko pics. :)

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Loved all the pictures of the gechos. I think it is too cold here for them. There is some type of skink tho i think. I saw a salamander at my pool a couple of years ago. Anyway very interesting. Donna (rutholive)

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