Election Day Nov 5

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning folks! Hot and muggy here. It is 75* this a.m. ALREADY and it is not even 7 a.m. yet. The humidity is 83%. We are expecting yet more rain. We are under a flood and tornado watch. It is a strange yellow color outside right now, I don't like the looks of it.

Today is election day..GO VOTE! I know, I am preaching to the choir here. I know all you folks vote ;-) Yes, Evamae, all eyes are on Louisiana right now. We are very much a 'swing' state for the Senate race. I am positive there will be a run off in Dec. between the Terrell(R) and Landreau (D) If that is so, the $$$$ dumped into our state will be unreal. (A political analyst said this run off will dump millions into our state.)So, with that in mind, all eyes are on Louisiana. I plan on going vote in a few minutes because I think the weather will be awful later. The polls are only expecting 40% turn out today...can you believe that? Something so important as this and no one turns out to vote. Of course, our elections here are always so colorful, full of mud slinging, voter hauling and vote buying. I always compare our politics to the mighty Mississippi River...crooked and muddy..LOL!

On a lighter note, things are looking good for the boat buying...we might be fishing by the weekend! YAY!

Have a safe day all!

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