Spotted balsam?

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

I had one double summer flowering balsam with spotted flowers this summer. Is this supposed to happen? I saved the seeds to see if it is a trait that will repeat, but was just wondering how common this is. Not the greatest photo. Thanks.

Thumbnail by naturepatch
San Francisco, CA

I can see little white dots. It looks like a discoloration which I am having a problem with myself. I am not sure what can help. But, I would remove all the those flowers and try to not to spray at all (if you sprayed) and see if the new flowers come in like that. It is a very pretty photo. I have seen some white dots also on my plants but on the green wood, not on the flowers. On the down side, when things were not sprayed I had those scale insects set in and they are impossible to get rid of once set in.

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Actually, the spots were just on the flowers. Everything else was fine, including the balsam next to it. So I believe this is a freak flower, or there is supposed to be a variety with spots. So I'm trying to check it out. I don't think it was a virus or bug, as it would have spread to the others right next to it. I will take that into consideration though. Thanks!

San Francisco, CA

It could be a hybrid in that case. Unless that plant was touched by something that the others were not.

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Don't think it was, as the other plants were less than 1 foot away. The color was very unusual. Others in the area were deeper shades of pink and white. This one is just how it looks, kind of purple with white spots or blotches. Should be interesting to see if any of the seeds carry on the spots.

San Francisco, CA

I had a yellow pansy once with usual markings and I tried to propagate it, but it reverted back to type. Very disappointing, I hope yours works out.


Impatiens do sometimes produce a splashed/spotted with white flower spike and they can come true from seed (but not always). It certainly has the colour break in it's genes so it will be interesting to see what pops up next year!

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Could be a fun spring/summer! Something else to look forward to.


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