these are funny

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Inside every older woman is a younger woman - wondering what the heck happened.
Cora Harvey Armstrong
The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.
Helen Hayes (at 73)
I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray
-Janette Barber-
Whoever thought up the word "Mammogram"? Every time I hear it, I think
supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone.
-Jan King-
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.
-Lily Tomlin-
My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting
head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
-Erma Bombeck-
Old age ain't no place for sissies.
-Bette Davis-
The phrase "working mother" is redundant.
-Jane Sellman-
Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.
-Jennifer Unlimited-
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me
-Jennifer Unlimited-
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible
-Catherine Aird-
I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not
dumb...and I'm also not blonde.
-Dolly Parton-
You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a
woman with a dumb guy.
- Erica Jong-
If high heels were so wonderful, men would still be wearing them.
-Sue Grafton-
I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.
-Roseanne Barr-
In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man-if you want anything
ask a woman.
-Margaret Thatcher-
I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and
-Gloria Steinem-
I never married, because there was no need. I have three pets at home
answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog that growls every
morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon, and a cat that comes home
every night.
Marie Corelli-
If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How
intelligent is it to start the day by tying a noose around your neck?
-Linda Ellerbee-
I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his
-Zsa Zsa Gabor-
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
-Eleanor Roosevelt-

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