nanny berry

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Anyone know anything about "Nannyberry"? The lake that I live on names all the bays and points.The point thats on my shore line is called Nannyberry Point.It was named in the 1800's so maybe they were growing here then ,but I really don't see anything growing that would be considered a nanny berry.....Or maybe it was someones name for blueberrys?

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

Nannyberry is a species of Viburnum....I will look it up later

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Nannyberry is Viburnum lentago. A small tree or large shrub (usually grown as a large shrub) with shiny leaves, burgundy fall color, white flowers in spring and blue-black berries, for the birds, in the fall.

Here is a link to information on this plant.

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