Can anyone identify this thing???

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

These are all through the soil in the front of my house. Can anyone tell me what it is or will become? Is it a cause for concern? If so, what is a safe, organic maybe?, way to get rid of it short of digging my whole yard up and sifting all the dirt to get rid of them.

Thumbnail by FLSuncoast
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

It's a grub worm. It could turn into a myriad of hard shelled pesky bugs like June Bugs, Emerald Bugs, Japanese Beetles(they are small grubs) and things like that. Something like Grubex or something with Bt will get rid of them. Here is a link, but no Organic remedies, but good pictures and info.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Cala once invited me to a "batter-fryed grub" dinner. I wonder if I really regret not going? (Er wait, maybe that was "butter-fly shrimp"? I can't remember.) (It's me mind, ya know. It's me mind goin' bad.)

By the way, Milky Spore is an organic remedy, but it may take up to two years to see results, especially for Jap beetles. Also, tilling the soil a few times and exposing them to the surface should help.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

I guess I should have told you'al that they are over an inch long and about 1/2" around. My guess would be JuneBugs, YECH!

Horseshoe, you are over the deep end my friend, LOL ☺ I'll check out Milky Spore for sure but I don't think my brugs can wait to years. I am assuming that JuneBugs will eat my brugs.

Cala, do I sound like I'm getting just a bit over protective, LOL!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Annie, not at all. I've taken to picking them out of the soil when I dig in the spring.(or fall when I'm bringing in stuff) and put the grubs on a flat birdfeeder. The birds will follow me around when I'm out in the yard. Box turtles will eat these grubs too as will skunks. Skunks will go thru the yard digging little holes to get the grubs. I think Shoe has a good idea, turn the soil to expose them to the critters that will eat them.(of course, they are good deep fried too, but don't over cook)

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

YECH!!! NOT!!! But that must be what that armadillo is digging up in my yard. Funny, most people have problems with ground hogs, not me, armadillo's! He can have all I find!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Okay and Cala decided to give you one of our favorite recipes. You can use a variation on this one for your front yard buffet.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Now that is a must have recipe book. I bet Lisa will like it too.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

OK, if the world comes to an end, I may have use of this cook book otherwise, YECH! LOL I don't think I would try these deliberately!

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

One year these grubs did a number on my garden. Well I had to resort to drastic measures and used Diazanon granuels. I sprinkled the granuels and turned them over in the soil and watered. Gone and never had to do it again. Believe me I'll leave the eating of these ugly things to you "brave guys"haha.

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Interesting thread. From controlling grubs to eating them. Well, I spent some time in Pohang,South Korea several years ago. At little sidewalk eateries they serve boiled silk worms and fried crickets. You wash them down with an adult beverage called soju. The crickets were edible, and once you got past the odor of the silk worms, their flavor was even worse!! And they were real mushy. Now I know why they drink soju.

This message was edited Wednesday, Jul 30th 2:06 PM

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Reminds me of "Fear Factor" tv show the other night, they had to drink 8 oz of worms, grubs and roaches blended into a milkshake like mush. Had to down one of these every time they missed a basket in a "Free throw" contest - one girl drank 5 of them, don't know how she held it down.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is an organic option. I used it when Japanese beetle grubs were eating my lawn. Had no more problem after that. I am not sure if the grubs have to be at a certain stage of development for this to work. I would ask the salesperson - I have always found them to be helpful and courteous.

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