Here it is

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

It's almost done, just need to get the power run to it, already have the water piped to it. Just over look the remnants of contruction, LOL.

Thumbnail by jody
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

YAHOOOOOOOO! it looks simplywonderful! But i wish you would have built it here and not there! ;]
You luck gal-thanks hubby!

Mason, MI

Looks like a nice, good-sized greenhouse.
Congrats! You'll have fun with it. :-)

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Very, very nice. Now we all want one.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Looks great! How big is it?Why do you have the window(vents) so low?I thought they should be high,am I planing mine wrong????

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone! I do love it!

CC it's 12'x44', simply because that was the area that used to be our veggie garden. The window vents in the front are low to bring in cool air, in the back the exhaust fan window vents are closer to the top. DH's thinking was that since heat rises, bring in the cool air from the low windows and vent the hot air at the top in the back.

The first day it was done it got about 124* in there (it was a 75* day outside). As soon as I opend those windows and opened and turned on the exhuast fan in the back the temp started dropping, it leveled out in the upper 80's*.

Initially, I thought the same as you, put them higher since heat rises and you want to vent it out, but like I said, cool air comes in from those and the hot air that has risen is vented out in the back. The exhaust fan/vent is close to the top of the gh. If there were no other source for venting then yes, they would be higher. I'm very happy with the way it is and it works wonderfully. Hope this makes sense, I can't seem to find the right words to describe it, LOL.

I'll try to remember to get a pic of it. It's a mess in there right now. I've been lugging in all those tropicals I aquired this year and trying to get organized. I only wish we had made it a lot taller. Some plants are already so tall they have to go right down the center of it, maybe I'll convince DH next year that it needs to be taller. ;)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Wow Jody, it looks great.
Yes, you did the vents right. There is a company that sells greenhouses that are vented at the bottom and top, they are sawtooth tops, with a hydraulic opener to open the top. They stay cooler and don't use fans at all.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

so if I put in 2 vent's one should be at the top and another be at the bottom....opposite sides...I'm about to order them...would 3 be better?

Jody that is The size I really need! I can't even walk in mine right now.It looks great...and I'm jealeous!

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